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Петров, В. П.
Подсечное земледелие [Електронний ресурс] / В. П. Петров. - К. : Наукова думка, 1968. - 228 с.

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

В книге на основании большого историографического материала XVIII—XX вв. впервые в исторической науке дана наиболее полная характеристика особенностей подсечного земледелия в отличие от полевого пашенного. Работа не только заполняет пробел в истории народного хозяйства, но и содержит критику некоторых ошибочных положений в теоретических вопросах истории развития общества. Монография имеет значительную историографическую ценность, т. к. дает обзор большого количества опубликованных работ о подсечном земледелии. Книга рассчитана на специалистов в области истории, археологии, этнографии, сельского хозяйства, лесоводства, студентов исторических факультетов университетов и пединститутов, а также агрономических факультетов сельскохозяйственных и лесохозяйственных институтов.

сільське господарство -- аграрна справа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Reed, Matthew.
Rebels for the Soil [Electronic resource] : the Rise of the Global Organic Food and Farming Movement / M. Reed. - London : Earthscan, 2010. - 178 p.
Переклад назви: Бійці Ґрунту: постання глобального руху за екологічно чисті продукти харчування й органічне землеробство

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In this book I wanted to counter the common opinion that organic farming and food is inherently interesting or has only come to prominence because of geopolitics, a decline in rationality in our society or an increasing self-interestedness by consumers or the greed of supermarkets. Organic food and farming are part of our societal discussions because an assembly of people have put it there through their own actions. By understanding the way in which the organic movement operates as a movement operates, the history of its ideas and the networks through it has developed it becomes clearer that the prominence of the organic movement is a considerable achievement. It also begs the questions as to why is has not been more successful, and how it might be so. In making this argument I present evidence that will be uncomfortable for some in the movement, particularly around the history of the early years. Yet for those opposed to the organic movement it also poses the question of having to explain why the organic movement persists. Many groups and people criticise the status quo, few have a working replacement waiting in the wings to be introduced. The organic movement may not have all the answers, but it is posing important questions and has an alternative to hand. In a time looking toward a crisis in the continuity and supply of food, that must command our attention. The research and thinking on which this book draws spans a decade so the thanks are wide ranging, but I would like to thank Peter Jowers, Harry Rothman, Dave Green and Alan Greer who were, or are still, at the University of West of England. At Exeter University Matt Lobley, Allan Butler and Mike Winter. For my brief but important time at the Open University special thanks are to due to Guy Cook for his encouragement and example. All of my colleagues at the Countryside and Community Research Institute have been, as they always are, an unfailingly supportive team, but particular thanks to Nigel Curry, James Kirwan and Paul Courtney. Thanks as well to Tim Hardwick and all the team at Earthscan for all their guidance, I’m still marvelling that I am an Earthscan author and many thanks to Carol Morris and the two anonymous referees for their constructive comments. I am blessed with a family who stand behind me without whom none of this would be possible and who have never shirked from encouraging me during the decade of research that stands behind this book. They inspired all that follows which is right all that errs belongs solely to me.

фермерство -- аграрні технології -- органічні продукти -- охорона довкілля

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Research in Organic Farming [Electronic resource] / ed. by R. Nokkoul. - Rijeka : InTech, 2011. - 196 p.
Переклад назви: Дослідження органічного землеробства

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Organic farming is based on minimizing the use of external inputs, avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers. Pesticides system has the potential to provide benefits in terms of environmental protection, and certain methods are used to minimize pollution of air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to the standards set to maintain the integrity of organic agriculture products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people. The management system of an organic farm is crucial, as its location and productspecific issues need to be addressed to ensure sustainability. Successful cultivation depends on environmentally friendly practices in nitrogen fixation, pest control, positive hosting, sheltering etc. Various incentives can bolster transfer to organic agriculture, either consumer-driven by demand, service-driven by ecological necessity or farmer-driven by economical viability and government support. Despite its advantages, the cost and quality of produce from organic agriculture are continually under discussion. Since organic agriculture can potentially increase yield only in traditional systems and actually decrease it when compared to highly industrialized farming, it is continuously debated if the conversion of existing world farm areas would suffice for the rapidly increasing human population. The book contains 10 chapters written by acknowledged experts, providing comprehensive information on all aspects of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food, from cultivation practices and environmental aspects, to produce certification and distribution with a clear perspective, with a balance in presentations of basic and applied research. Researchers, students, and teachers in the agricultural field in particular will find this book to be of immense use.

аграрні дослідження -- фермерство -- рослинництво

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