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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Social Justice and Neoliberalism [Electronic resource] : global perspectives / ed. Adrian Smith, Alison Stenning, Katie Willis. - London : Zed Books, 2009. - 224 p
Переклад назви: Соціальна справедливість та неолібералізм: глобальні перспективи


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This book explores the connections between neoliberalism, social justice and exclusion. The authors offer grounded, theoretically-oriented, empirically-rich analysis of the links between neoliberalism and social justice, bringing together work that critiques neoliberalism, along with understandings of its material impacts. It also stresses the need to extend analysis beyond the dominant spheres of "capitalism," to explore the ways in which communities resist and remake capitalism, through processes of contestation and protest, but also through their everyday lives, their economies and their livelihood strategies. Global in scope, each chapter in turn asks how the experiences of marginal peoples, places and communities might challenge our conceptions of capitalism and its geographies.

соціальна політика -- неолібералізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Klein, Naomi.
The shock doctrine [Electronic resource] : the rise of disaster capitalism / Naomi Klein. - New York : Metropolitan Books, 2001. - 720 p
Переклад назви: Доктрина шоку : розквіт капіталізму катастроф


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In this groundbreaking alternative history of the most dominant ideology of our time, Milton Friedman's free-market economic revolution, Naomi Klein challenges the popular myth of this movement's peaceful global victory. From Chile in 1973 to Iraq today, Klein shows how Friedman and his followers have repeatedly harnessed terrible shocks and violence to implement their radical policies. As John Gray wrote in The Guardian, "There are very few books that really help us understand the present. The Shock Doctrine is one of those books."

війна -- тероризм -- катастрофа -- кризова свідомість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Magdoff, Harry.
Imperialism [Electronic resource] : from the colonial age to the present / Harry Magdoff. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1978. - 283 p
Переклад назви: Імперіалізм: від колоніальної доби до сучасності


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This volume contains a series of essays aimed at illuminating the theory, history, and roots of imperialism, which extend the analysis developed in Magdoff's The Age of Imperialism.

колоніалізм -- політика метрополії -- економічний визиск

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