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Mullineux, A. W.
Handbook of International Banking [Electronic resource] / A. W. Mullineux. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2003. - 795 p.
Переклад назви: Посібник міжнародного банкінгу


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The Handbook of International Banking provides a clearly accessible source of reference material, covering the main developments that reveal how the internationalization and globalization of banking have developed over recent decades to the present, and analyses the creation of a new global financial architecture. The Handbook is the first of its kind in the area of international banking with contributions from leading specialists in their respective fields, often with remarkable experience in academia or professional practice. The material is provided mainly in the form of self-contained surveys, which trace the main developments in a well-defined topic, together with specific references to journal articles and working papers. Some contributions, however, disseminate new empirical findings especially where competing paradigms are evaluated. The Handbook is divided into four areas of interest. The first deals with the globalization of banking and continues on to banking structures and functions. The authors then focus on banking risks, crises and regulation and finally the evolving international financial architecture. Designed to serve as a source of supplementary reading and inspiration, the Handbook is suited to a range of courses in banking and finance including post-experience and in-house programmes for bankers and other financial services practitioners. This outstanding volume will become essential reference for policymakers, financial practitioners as well as academics and researchers in the field.

банк -- фінанси

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Koch, E. B.
Challenges at the Bank for International Settlements [Electronic resource] : an Economist´s (Re)View / E. B. Koch. - Berlin : Springer, 2007. - 356 p.
Переклад назви: Ануляція міжнародних банківських розрахунків


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Challenges facing central bankers are expertly examined and analyzed. The book explores monetary policy and financial crisis as well as insolvency, collective action clauses, international mediation, and management of central banks. The author has worked as an economist at the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements and as an international mediator for the Secretariat of the G10 Ministers and Governors.


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