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   Тип видання:   зб. статей   
Категорія: Релігія   

Релігійна свобода і права людини [Електронний ресурс] : богословські аспекти : у 2 т. / ред. М. Маринович. - Л. : Свічадо, 2000. - (Людина. Церква. Держава)


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Т. 1. - 428 с.

У збірнику вмішено переклади статей зарубіжних релігіезнавшв, філософів, богословів, присвячених проблемі прав людини та релігійної свободи, висвітленій з богословських спектів. Проблема розглянута з позицій різних Церков: Православної, Римо-Католицької, Протестантських. Читачеві цікаво буде ознайомитися з підходами до теми релігійних прав людини також і представників юдаїзму та ісламу. Розглянуто в статтях і питання біблійних коренів прав людини, і сучасні проблеми християнства й демократії у світовому контексті. Цей збірник є першою книгою серії "Людина. Церква. Держана". У наступному томі вищезгадана проблема має бути висвітлена з правничих аспектів. Книга розрахована на богословів різних конфесій, викладачів і студентів духовних навчальних закладів, правозахисників і на всіх, хто цікавиться питаниями релігії та демократії.

іслам -- християнство -- демократія -- релігієзнавство

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Фетюхин, М. И.
Права человека [Електронний ресурс] : учебно-методическое пособие / М. И. Фетюхин. - Волгоград : Изд-во ВолГУ, 2003. - 188 с.


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Книга призвана дать студентам необходимый минимум систематизированных знаний основных современных проблем прав человека как важнейшей научной отрасли и учебной дисциплины, рассчитанной на преподавание в системе образования на университетском уровне. Может служить интересам не только студенческой аудитории, но и самого широкого круга читателей, интересующихся современными проблемами прав человека.

законодавство -- людина -- право

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Саблин, Д. А.
Права человека [Електронний ресурс] : учебное пособие / Д. А. Саблин. - Оренбург : Изд-во ОГУ, 2004. - 166 с.


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В учебном пособии рассмотрены основы учения о правах человека, механизмы реализации и защиты прав человека в различных инстанциях и на различных этапах применительно к различным странам. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по программе высшего профессионального образования по специальности «Юриспруденция» как дневной, так и заочной форм обучения.

законодавство -- людина -- право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Права дитини та механізм їх захисту [Електронний ресурс] ; Мережа Нідерландських благодійних фондів для Центральної для Східної Європи / Мережа Нідерландських благодійних фондів для Центральної для Східної Європи. - Ужгород : УжНУ «Говерла», 2009. - 46 с.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

У 1945 році була створена міжнародна організація, ціль якої полягала в пошуку шляхів запобігання війн на планеті Земля. 24 жовтня 1945 року на основі добровільної угоди незалежних суверенних держав, у тому числі СРСР, США, Англії, Китаю, був підписаний Статут Організації Об'єднаних Націй (ООН). У цьому документі були зафіксовані мета, задачі, принципи, структура і напрямок діяльності ООН. У роботі ООН реалізація і захист прав і свобод людини має пріоритетне значення. Це підтверджує прийняття 10 грудня 1948 року Генеральною Асамблеєю Загальної декларації прав людини. В усьому світі ця дата відзначається як День прав людини. Для студентів, аспірантів, викладачів, наукових працівників.

права дітей

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Truth v. justice [Electronic resource] : the morality of truth commissions / ed. R. I. Rotberg, D. Thompson. - Princeton : Publishing Princeton University Press, 2000. - 309 p.. - (University Center for Human Values series)
Переклад назви: Правда проти правосуддя: мораль комісій зі встановлення моралі

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The truth commission is an increasingly common fixture of newly democratic states with repressive or strife-ridden pasts. From South Africa to Haiti, truth commissions are at work with varying degrees of support and success. To many, they are the best--or only--way to achieve a full accounting of crimes committed against fellow citizens and to prevent future conflict. Others question whether a restorative justice that sets the guilty free, that cleanses society by words alone, can deter future abuses and allow victims and their families to heal. Here, leading philosophers, lawyers, social scientists, and activists representing several perspectives look at the process of truth commissioning in general and in post-apartheid South Africa. They ask whether the truth commission, as a method of seeking justice after conflict, is fair, moral, and effective in bringing about reconciliation. The authors weigh the virtues and failings of truth commissions, especially the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, in their attempt to provide restorative rather than retributive justice. They examine, among other issues, the use of reparations as social policy and the granting of amnesty in exchange for testimony. Most of the contributors praise South Africa's decision to trade due process for the kinds of truth that permit closure. But they are skeptical that such revelations produce reconciliation, particularly in societies that remain divided after a compromise peace with no single victor, as in El Salvador. Ultimately, though, they find the truth commission to be a worthy if imperfect instrument for societies seeking to say "never again" with confidence. At a time when truth commissions have been proposed for Bosnia, Kosovo, Cyprus, East Timor, Cambodia, Nigeria, Palestine, and elsewhere, the authors' conclusion that restorative justice provides positive gains could not be more important. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Amy Gutmann, Rajeev Bhargava, Elizabeth Kiss, David A. Crocker, André du Toit, Alex Boraine, Dumisa Ntsebeza, Lisa Kois, Ronald C. Slye, Kent Greenawalt, Sanford Levinson, Martha Minow, Charles S. Maier, Charles Villa-Vicencio, and Wilhelm Verwoerd.

правова система -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Torpey, J.
The invention of the passport. Surveillance, citizenship, and the state [Electronic resource] / J. Torpey. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2000. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Винахід паспорта: Нагляд, громадянство та держава


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In order to distinguish between those who may and may not enter or leave, states everywhere have developed extensive systems of identification, central to which is the passport. This innovative book argues that documents such as passports, internal passports and related mechanisms have been crucial in making distinctions between citizens and non-citizens. It examines how the concept of citizenship has been used to delineate rights and penalties regarding property, liberty, taxes and welfare. It focuses on the US and Western Europe, moving from revolutionary France to the Napoleonic era, the American Civil War, the British industrial revolution, pre-World War I Italy, the reign of Germany s Third Reich and beyond. This innovative study combines theory and empirical data in questioning how and why states have established the exclusive right to authorize and regulate the movement of people.

громада -- ідентифікація людини

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Crawshaw, R.
Police and human rights [Electronic resource] : a manual for teachers and resource persons and for participants in human rights programmes / R. Crawshaw. - 2nd. rev. ed.. - Leiden : Koninklijke Brill, 2009. - 329 p.
Переклад назви: Поліція та права людини: посібник для вчителів, консультантів та учасників програм з прав людини

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This publication is a human rights teaching manual for teachers and resource persons who are proficient in the craft and profession of policing as practitioners, or learned in that field as educators or academics. It is also a reference manual for police officials participating in programmes based on the manual, and a continuing source of reference for them when they have completed a programme. The teaching manual has been prepared for use as a valuable resource in an educational process which should enable and require police officials to consider how they are to carry out their functions in an effective, lawful and humane manner.

силова структура -- правопорядок

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Seidman, Louis Michael.
On Constitutional Disobedience [Electronic resource] / L. M. Seidman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2012. - 157 p
Переклад назви: Про конституційну непокору


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What would the Framers of the Constitution make of multinational corporations? Nuclear weapons? Gay marriage? They led a preindustrial country, much of it dependent on slave labor, huddled on the Atlantic seaboard. The Founders saw society as essentially hierarchical, led naturally by landed gentry like themselves. Yet we still obey their commands, two centuries and one civil war later. According to Louis Michael Seidman, it's time to stop. In On Constitutional Disobedience, Seidman argues that, in order to bring our basic law up to date, it needs benign neglect. This is a highly controversial assertion. The doctrine of "original intent" may be found on the far right, but the entire political spectrum--left and right--shares a deep reverence for the Constitution. And yet, Seidman reminds us, disobedience is the original intent of the Constitution. The Philadelphia convention had gathered to amend the Articles of Confederation, not toss them out and start afresh. The "living Constitution" school tries to bridge the gap between the framers and ourselves by reinterpreting the text in light of modern society's demands. But this attempt is doomed, Seidman argues. One might stretch "due process of law" to protect an act of same-sex sodomy, yet a loyal-but-contemporary reading cannot erase the fact that the Constitution allows a candidate who lost the popular election to be seated as president. And that is only one of the gross violations of popular will enshrined in the document. Seidman systematically addresses and refutes the arguments in favor of Constitutional fealty, proposing instead that it be treated as inspiration, not a set of commands. The Constitution is, at its best, a piece of poetry to liberty and self-government. If we treat it as such, the author argues, we will make better progress in achieving both.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga.
Human Rights Journalism [Electronic resource] : advances in Reporting Distant Humanitarian Interventions / I. S. Shaw. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - 298 p.
Переклад назви: Правозахисна журналістика


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Enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) is the basic premise that ‘all people matter’, a moral commitment to overcome the culture of ‘othering’ permeating everyday life around the globe. This premise, when considered in relation to the priorities and protocols of western journalism, throws into sharp relief the ways in which certain ‘us and them’ dichotomies, inflected in news reports, recurrently counterpoise the structural interests of ‘people like us’ against the suffering of strangers. Journalists’ routine, everyday choices about what to report – how best to do it, and why – necessarily implicate them in a discursive politics of mediation in what are increasingly globalised public spheres. This point is not lost on politicians, of course, anxious to make use of the news media for persuasive – or, more to the point, propagandistic – purposes. To take one example, Tony Blair, in the months leading up to his resignation as British prime minister, gave a series of ‘legacy’ speeches intended, in part, to help secure his place in the history books on his own preferred terms. In one such speech, delivered onboard the assault ship HMS Albion on 12 January 2007, he discussed the changing nature of the security challenges facing western countries in the post-9/11 era. Interestingly, singled out for attention in this regard were the problems posed by ‘a completely new world of modern communication and media’ for the armed forces.

права людини -- журналістика -- медіа-політика

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Human and civil rights [Electronic resource] / K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner, A. W. Lerner. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006. - 557 p.
Переклад назви: Права людині та цивільні права


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Human rights are the basic freedoms, liberties, and protections to which all persons are entitled. Human rights are not specilic to one government or religion. They do not differ in times of war or peace. Human rights are constant and inalienable rights, possessed by all people. Ideally, governments should promote and protect human rights through systems of law. Today, human rights include life, liberty, and security of person; the freedom of religion, thought, political expression, movement, assembly, speech, and organization; due process of law, education, employment, health, property ownership, cultural preservation; the right to marry and found a family; and freedom from discrimination, unjust punishment, persecution, tyranny, and oppression. The modern concept ol human rights developed over diree centuries. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the concept of natural rights emerged. Natural rights are not subject to any political, legal, or religious system. They are inalienable rights that humans possess from birth...

свобода -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Governments of the world [Electronic resource] : a global guide to citizens’ rights and responsibilities : in 4 vol. / C.N. Tate. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Уряди світу


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Vol. 2 : Dominica to Italy. - 348 p.

Vol. 3 : Jamaica to Political Protest. - 330 p.

In these volumes, 310 alphabetically arranged articles range in length from 500 to 3,500 words and cover 198 regions ("including every independent nation and several territories") as well as international courts, supranational institutions, concepts central to understanding political organization and human rights, and key individuals who have had positive and negative impacts on the evolution of citizens' rights and responsibilities. Country entries describe the system of government and the political evolution, with emphasis on the twentieth century and on issues related to the relationship between government and citizen. Each signed article concludes with a bibliography. The credentials of the authors (mostly academicians) are provided in the directory of contributors. Sidebars and black-and-white maps and illustrations break up the text. Same-page definitions in the margins of terms (such as ethnic cleansing, guerrilla, and republic make the information more comprehensible, as does the glossary, which is repeated at the end of each volume. In addition, each volume includes a cumulative index and a thematic outline of topics so that users can easily locate information on relevant persons, documents, legal issues, and concepts, as well as country-specific data and history, and teachers can plan correlated assignments. Another useful feature is the filmography, which is arranged by country. Entries are complemented by volume-specific selections of primary documents (for example, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and Convention of the Rights of the Child).

влада -- права людини -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence [Electronic resource] / ed. N. A. Jackson. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. - 789 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія домашнього насильства


Географічні рубрики:

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The Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence is a modern reference from the leading international scholars in domestic violence research. This ground-breaking project has created the first ever publication of an encyclopedia of domestic violence. The primary goal of the Encyclopedia is to provide information on a variety of traditional, as well as breakthrough, issues in this complex phenomenon. The coverage of the Encyclopedia is broad and diverse, encompassing the entire life span from infancy to old age. The entries include the traditional research areas, such as battered women, child abuse and dating violence. However, this Encyclopedia is unique in that it includes many under-studied areas of domestic violence, such as ritual abuse-torture within families, domestic violence against women with disabilities, pseudo-family violence and domestic violence within military families. It is also unique in that it examines cross-cultural perspectives of domestic violence. One of the key special features in this Encyclopedia is the cross-reference section at the end of each entry. This allows the reader the ability to continue their research of a particular topic. This book will be an easy-to-read reference guide on a host of topics, which are alphabetically arranged. Precautions have been taken to ensure that the Encyclopedia is not politically slanted; rather, it is hoped that it will serve as a basic guide to better understanding the myriad issues surrounding this labyrinthine topic. Topics covered include: Victims of Domestic Violence; Theoretical Perspectives and Correlates to Domestic Violence; Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Religious Perspectives; Understudied Areas within Domestic Violence Research; Domestic Violence and the Law; and Child Abuse and Elder Abuse.

відносини в сім'ї -- насильство -- злочин

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Whiting, R.
A natural right to die: twenty-three centuries of debate [Electronic resource] / R. Whiting. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2002. - 223 p.
Переклад назви: Природнє право смерті: двадцять три століття обговорень


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While other books deal with the contemporary issue of the right to die, no attempt has been made to demonstrate substantially the historic nature of this question beyond the borders of the United States. Whiting demonstrates that the right to die controversy stretches back more than two thousand years, and he explains how current attitudes and practices in the U.S. have been influenced by the legal and cultural development of the ancient western world. This perspective allows the reader to understand not only the origins of the controversy, but also the different perspectives that each age has contributed to the ongoing debate. Whiting discusses the development of legal rights within both western culture and the United States, then applies these developments to the question of the right to die. In an environment of public debate that features such emotional events as the exploits of Jack Kevorkian, the publication of how to suicide manuals, and the counterattacks of Right to Life groups, the United States is left with very few options.

біологічна смерть -- евтаназія -- суїцид -- невиліковність

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