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Bahadur, Jay.
The pirates of Somalia [Electronic resource] : inside their hidden world / J. Bahadur. - New York : Pantheon Books, 2011. - 307 p
Переклад назви: Сомалійські пірати та їхній прихований світ


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

For centuries, stories of pirates have captured imaginations around the world. The recent ragtag bands of pirates off the coast of Somalia, hijacking multimillion-dollar tankers owned by international shipping conglomerates, have brought the scourge of piracy into the modern era. Jay Bahadur’s riveting narrative exposé—the first of its kind—looks at who these men are, how they live, the forces that created piracy in Somalia, how the pirates spend the ransom money, how they deal with their hostages, among much, much more. It is a revelation of a dangerous world at the epicenter of political and natural disaster.

піратство -- торгівля людьми -- організована злочинність

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