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   Тип видання:   хрестоматія   

Surrealist Women [Electronic resource] : an international anthology / ed. by P. Rosemont. - London : The Athlone Press, 2001. - 577 p.
Переклад назви: Жінки-сюрреалістки: міжнародна антологія


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Surrealist Women displays the range and significance of women's contributions to surrealism. Penelope Rosemont, affiliated with the Paris Surrealist Group in the 1960s and now a Chicago poet and painter, has assembled nearly three hundred texts by ninety-six women from twenty-eight countries. She opens the book with a succinct summary of surrealism's basic aims and principles, followed by a discussion of the place of gender in the origins of the movement.The texts are organised into historical periods ranging from the 1920s to the present, with introductions describing trends in the movement for each period; and each surrealist's work is prefaced by a brief biographical statement.

експериментальна література -- сюрреалізм -- авангардна поезія

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