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Гагарин, Юрий Алексеевич.
Психология и космос [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. А. Гагарин, В. И. Лебедев. - М. : Молодая гвардия, 1968. - 208 с.. - (Эврика)


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Эта книга — о Человеке и Космосе. Ей суждено было стать жизненным завещанием первого в мире космонавта. Свою авторскую подпись на верстке Юрий Гагарин поставил 25 марта 1968 года, а через день его не стало. В книге Гагарин говорит о космосе и мужестве, о горизонтах науки и смелости человека. На этих страницах — итог его поисков и раздумий, его мечты о будущем.

психоаналіз -- простір

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Vakoch, Douglas A..
Psychology of Space Exploration [Electronic resource] : contemporary research in historical perspective / Douglas A. Vakoch. - Washington : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2011. - 266 p
Переклад назви: Психологія космічних досліджень: сучасні дослідження в історичній перспективі


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Without the intellectual leadership of Albert Harrison, this book would never have come into existence, and it could not have been completed in such a timely manner. His contributions will be evident in the three chapters he has coauthored; invisible is his extensive work recruiting other contributors, reviewing chapters, and providing last-minute assistance more times than I care to remember. Much more important to me, however, is Al’s ongoing friendship.Over the past decade, many colleagues from the SETI Institute have shared with me their insights about the societal and educational impact of space explo-ration—especially John Billingham, Edna DeVore, Frank Drake, Andrew Fraknoi, John Gertz, Chris Neller, Tom Pierson, Karen Randall, Seth Shostak, and Jill Tarter. More recently, I warmly acknowledge the administration, faculty, staff, and students of the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), especially for support from Katie McGovern, Joseph Subbiondo, and Judie Wexler. The work of editing this vol-ume was made possible through a generous sabbatical leave from my other academic responsibilities at CIIS. In addition, I thank Harry and Joyce Letaw, as well as Jamie Baswell, for their intellectual and financial contributions to promoting the societal aspects of space exploration.Among the organizations that have fostered discussions on the topics in this volume, I especially want to recognize the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the American Psychological Association (APA). Several of the chap-ters in this volume are elaborations of papers first presented at the APA’s 115th Annual Convention, held in San Francisco in August 2007.For his openness to considering a new topic for the NASA History Series, I thank Steve Dick; I am also grateful to him and to Steve Garber for leading such a thorough and helpful review process and for moving this volume into production so efficiently.In the Communications Support Services Center at NASA Headquarters, Lisa Jirousek copyedited the manuscript, Christopher Yates designed the lay-out, Stacie Dapoz and George Gonzalez proofread the layout, and Hanta Ralay and Tun Hla handled the printing. Supervisors Gail Carter-Kane, Cindy Miller, Michael Crnkovic, and Tom Powers oversaw the overall process. Thanks are due to all of these fine professionals.Finally, I thank the contributors and reviewers of the essays that appear in this volume. By taking seriously the importance of history for contemporary psycho-logical research, they have opened new possibilities for interdisciplinary collabora-tions in the future.

космос -- наука -- дослід -- історія

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