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Boggess, A.
A first course in wavelets with fourier analysis [Electronic resource] / A. Boggess, F. J. Narcowich. - Нью-Джерсі : Prentice Hall, 1999. - 283 p.
Переклад назви: Перший курс вейвлети з гармонійним аналізом


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This book fills the gap between volumes on wavelets that are either too advanced (in terms of mathematical background required) or that contain too little mathematical theory underlying wavelets. It presents most of the theory underlying Fourier analysis and wavelets in a clear and comprehensive fashion-- without requiring advanced background in real analysis. Provides a careful balance between theory and practical algorithms, and features a clear presentation of applications to digital signal processing--e.g., data compression, digital filtering and singularity detection. Includes illustrations and MATLAB code used in many of the algorithms. Inner Product Spaces. Fourier Series. The Fourier Transform. Discrete Fourier Analysis. Wavelet Analysis. Multiresolution Analysis. The Daubechies Wavelets. For anyone interested in Wavelets and Fourier Analysis.

математика -- вейвлет

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