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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Michaelis, R. C.
A Litigator’s guide to DNA. From the laboratory to the courtroom [Electronic resource] / R. C. Michaelis, R. G. Flanders, P. H. Wulff. - Burlington : Elsevier academic press, 2008. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Адвокатський посібник з ДНК: від лабораторії до суду


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

A Litigator's Guide to DNA educates litigators, judges, criminalists, students, and others about all aspects of the use of DNA evidence in criminal and civil trials. It includes discussions of the molecular biological basis for the tests, essential laboratory practices, probability theory and mathematical calculations. It presents issues relevant to all parties involved in trying a case, from the prosecution and the defense, and to the judge and jury. The book is also extremely useful as a text for students aspiring to careers in forensic science and criminal law. The authors provide a full background on both the molecular biology and the mathematical theory behind forensic tests written specifically for people with little or no science background. No other book relates the foundational information on molecular biology and statistics to legal practice issues as extensively as this book does.

криміналістика -- судова справа

   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Hickey, Michael.
The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary Of Botanical Terms [Electronic resource] / M. Hickey, C. King. - 11th ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Кембриджський ілюстрований словник ботанічних термінів

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This beautifully illustrated glossary comprises over 2400 terms commonly used to describe vascular plants. The majority are structural terms referring to parts of plants visible with the naked eye or with a x10 hand lens, but some elementary microscopical and physiological terms are also included, as appropriate. Each term is defined accurately and concisely, and whenever possible, cross referenced to clearly labelled line drawings made mainly from living material. The illustrations are presented together in a section comprising 127 large format pages, within which they are grouped according to specific features, such as leaf shape or flower structure, so allowing comparison of different forms at a glance. The illustrations therefore provide a unique compilation of information that can be referred to independently of the definitions. This makes the glossary a particularly versatile reference work for all those needing a guide to botanical terminology and plant structure.

ботаніка -- рослинний світ -- біологічна термінологія

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