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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

King, Julie Adair.
Canon EOS digital rebel XSi/450D for dummies [Electronic resource] / Julie Adair King. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2008. - 340 p.
Переклад назви: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D для "чайників"


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Очередная книга из серии "Для чайников", посвящённая новой модели CCanon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D. Обзор основных функций, хитрости и приёмы фотосъёмки всё это вы найдёте в этой книге.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

An introduction to computer programming with Java [Electronic resource] / ed. J. H. Kingston. - Sydney : The University of Sydney, 2006. - 316 p
Переклад назви: Вступ до Java програмування


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This book is an introduction to computer programming using the Java programming language. No prior knowledge of computers or programming is assumed, but the reader must be confident with high school algebra. This book does not claim to completely cover either the Java language or its standard libraries. We have confined the use of the static keyword to testing classes and enumeration classes, to help students avoid non-object-oriented programming, and we have omitted coverage of Java’s features for reflection, packages, multithreading, networking, applets, and graphical user interfaces. Instead, our emphasis is placed on writing programs of high quality using the best techniques, with extensive coverage of design, collection classes, code cliches, verification, testing, general software engineering, scalability, ethics, and recursion (including an application to recursive descent parsing). This book is divided into two parts. At the University of Sydney, each part serves as the text for one semester. We have delayed introducing inheritance to second semester, not because we think it cannot be mastered earlier, but because novice programmers have a lot to learn, and since inheritance can be deferred, we think it should be.

комп'ютер -- мова програмування -- об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

King, K.
SQL tips and techniques [Electronic resource] / K. King, K. Jamsa. - Potland : Premier Press, 2002. - 1127 p.
Переклад назви: Поради та техніки з SQL


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For programming beginners or seasoned professionals, this all-in-one reference presents everything you need to know about SQL.

база даних -- субд

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Axelrod, Alan.
Encyclopedia of World War II [Electronic resource] / Alan Axelrod, Jack A. Kingston. - New York : Facts On File, 2007. - 911 p. - (Facts on File Library of World History)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Другої світової війни


Географічні рубрики:

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The Second World War is considered the pivotal event of the twentieth century, and the Encyclopedia of World War II, by prolific military historian Axelrod, is a well-written and complete reference to the war for students and general readers. Not exhaustive, the reference covers the typical ideological, military, political, and social topics “most commonly sought by students and instructors”; and its entries are, as the introduction claims, “useful, relevant, and interesting.” Some 737 concise, descriptive, noninterpretive entries are arranged alphabetically, covering topics such as Aachen, Battle of; Bazooka; Chiang Kai-shek; Dachau concentration camp; Fascism; Lebensraum; Phony War; Waffen SS; and Yalta Agreement. Approximately 40 percent of the entries are biographical. Length ranges from 200 to 3,000 words, and larger entries, such as Aircraft carriers, include subheadings (in this case, describing the fleets of the chief combatants). Aircraft, British exemplifies the many technical summaries of the equipment of the war’s chief combatants. Entries for major battles and campaigns (El Alamein, Kursk, Stalingrad) range from 700 to 1,200 words, contain easy-to-read maps, and provide the tactical overview and strategic significance of the battle. Articles are cross-referenced and include short bibliographies. Although this may not be a necessary purchase for libraries that have the exhaustive five-volume Encyclopedia of World WarII: A Political, Social, and Military History (ABC-CLIO, 2005), its size and more-selective coverage make it a good choice for public, high-school, and undergraduate libraries.

друга світова війна -- всесвітня історія -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Hickey, Michael.
The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary Of Botanical Terms [Electronic resource] / M. Hickey, C. King. - 11th ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Кембриджський ілюстрований словник ботанічних термінів

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This beautifully illustrated glossary comprises over 2400 terms commonly used to describe vascular plants. The majority are structural terms referring to parts of plants visible with the naked eye or with a x10 hand lens, but some elementary microscopical and physiological terms are also included, as appropriate. Each term is defined accurately and concisely, and whenever possible, cross referenced to clearly labelled line drawings made mainly from living material. The illustrations are presented together in a section comprising 127 large format pages, within which they are grouped according to specific features, such as leaf shape or flower structure, so allowing comparison of different forms at a glance. The illustrations therefore provide a unique compilation of information that can be referred to independently of the definitions. This makes the glossary a particularly versatile reference work for all those needing a guide to botanical terminology and plant structure.

ботаніка -- рослинний світ -- біологічна термінологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

King, Charles.
Odessa [Electronic resource] : genius and death in a city of dreams / Charles King. - New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2012. - 336 p
Переклад назви: Одеса: геній і смерть в місті мрії


Географічні рубрики:

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In Odessa, the greatest port on the Black Sea, a dream of cosmopolitan freedom inspired geniuses and innovators, from the writers Alexander Pushkin and Isaac Babel to Zionist activist Vladimir Jabotinsky and immunologist Ilya Mechnikov. Yet here too was death on a staggering scale, as World War II brought the mass murder of Jews carried out by the city’s Romanian occupiers. Odessa is an elegy for the vibrant, multicultural tapestry of which a thriving Jewish population formed an essential part, as well as a celebration of the survival of Odessa’s dream in a diaspora reaching all the way to Brighton Beach. 25 illustrations

міська культура -- урбаністика -- Причорномор'я

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