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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Michaelis, R. C.
A Litigator’s guide to DNA. From the laboratory to the courtroom [Electronic resource] / R. C. Michaelis, R. G. Flanders, P. H. Wulff. - Burlington : Elsevier academic press, 2008. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Адвокатський посібник з ДНК: від лабораторії до суду


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

A Litigator's Guide to DNA educates litigators, judges, criminalists, students, and others about all aspects of the use of DNA evidence in criminal and civil trials. It includes discussions of the molecular biological basis for the tests, essential laboratory practices, probability theory and mathematical calculations. It presents issues relevant to all parties involved in trying a case, from the prosecution and the defense, and to the judge and jury. The book is also extremely useful as a text for students aspiring to careers in forensic science and criminal law. The authors provide a full background on both the molecular biology and the mathematical theory behind forensic tests written specifically for people with little or no science background. No other book relates the foundational information on molecular biology and statistics to legal practice issues as extensively as this book does.

криміналістика -- судова справа

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Mazur, Eric Michael.
Encyclopedia of Religion and Film [Electronic resource] / Eric Michael Mazur. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2001. - 665 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія релігії та кіно


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There are a number of people who deserve thanks: Rhoda Himmel Mazur, my mother, who introduced me to old “classic” films, and Marvin Irwin Mazur, my father (Z’’L), who would see any film as long as my mother told him that it was a “musical comedy”; Jody Risa Mazur, my sister, who lent me a variety of materials (often without her remembering); Lillian Weintraub, my aunt (Z’’L), who sent me articles on religion and film from the time I started graduate school until her death in 2008; Bill Mandel, annual host of the seasonal “Mandel Bijou”; Benton Knight (who dragged me to see Be My Bloody Valentine ) and Scott Baradell (who dragged me to see C.H.U.D. ); Robin Alperstein and the editorial staff of The Declaration (at the University of Virginia, way back in 1986–1987), who published “Reel to Reel,” a movie review column I coauthored with Scott Baradell, which was based on the work of Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert (only funny, and in print); and of course Claudia Anne Mazur, my wife, who has humored me when I have insisted that we watch any number of questionable films with the declaration that “it’s for work, dear.” To all of these people, I say thank you. You have encouraged—or at least tolerated—my often childish musings about film, and I think that with thisvolume, I have become both better educated and humbled by my professional digression into this field. I also want to thank Lynn Malloy Aranjo—whom I barely knew—and Rob (“RobRobRob”) Kirkpatrick—whom I know a bit better—for letting me pitch the idea of the encyclopedia to Greenwood in the first place. Rob was particularly patient as I worked out a number of the details, and for that I am grateful. And yes, Rob, you were right; the entry on Krzysztof Kies´ lowski is dedicated to you. Thanks also to Debra Adams, who saw the project through its hardest stretch, and Mariah Gumpert at ABC-CLIO, who provided the last bit of energy and assistance needed to get it all finished. If patience is a virtue, you are all saints. I must also thank the hard-working people in the Interlibrary Loan office at the Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library of Bucknell University, particularly Candice Hinckley, who worked tirelessly locating many of the materials listed in the bibliography. Without knowing it, they helped me forget the difference, if only for a moment, between a large research institution and a relatively small teaching college. A special thanks also to Julia Miller (Bucknell ’08) and Stephanie Johnson (Virginia Wesleyan College ’11) for their dedicated filmographic work, and Brittany Hayes (Virginia Wesleyan College ’12) for her fact-checking. Contributor Melanie J. Wright passed away just as this project was going into its final production. She was a friendly colleague and an insightful scholar in many fields, but particularly in the study of religion and film. She will be missed. I would also like to thank all of the contributors, particularly those who got their entries in on time and according to style. You are a very talented bunch of scholars and critics, and I have enjoyed reading all that you’ve sent me. I hope you like what I’ve done with your work!

віра -- кіно

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