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Chomsky, Noam.
Failed States [Electronic resource] : the Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy / N. Chomsky. - New York : Owl Book, 2007. - 313 p
Переклад назви: Держави-невдахи: зловживання владою і напад на демократію


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The United States has repeatedly asserted its right to intervene militarily against "failed states" around the globe. In this much-anticipated follow-up to his international bestseller Hegemony or Survival, Noam Chomsky turns the tables, showing how the United States itself shares features with other failed states--suffering from a severe "democratic deficit," eschewing domestic and international law, and adopting policies that increasingly endanger its own citizens and the world. Exploring the latest developments in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, Chomsky reveals Washington's plans to further militarize the planet, greatly increasing the risks of nuclear war. He also assesses the dangerous consequences of the occupation of Iraq; documents Washington's self-exemption from international norms, including the Geneva conventions and the Kyoto Protocol; and examines how the U.S. electoral system is designed to eliminate genuine political alternatives, impeding any meaningful democracy.

політика -- влада

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Grossman, Mark.
Political corruption in America [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed / Mark Grossman. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2003. - 283 p
Переклад назви: Політична корупція в Америці: енциклопедія скандалів, влади та жадібності


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This book is dedicated to my good friends Paula Herbst and Carol Hoffman,whose friendship and inspiration continue to be my guiding light; to my parents, who have always been my personal heroes; and to my good friend Audrey Taylor in Great Britain, who loves her pursuit of everything Thomas Paine and is a someone I am glad to have befriended.

політика -- політологія -- корупція

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