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Vezzoli, C.
Design for environmental sustainability [Electronic resource] / C. Vezzoli, E. Manzini. - London : Springer, 2008. - 308 p.
Переклад назви: Дизайн для екологічної стабільності


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The combination of environment and design has been termed ecodesign. Even if, as it appears, it would be more precise to use other, more specific terms, let us start with few ideas on ecodesign as it allows us to define better our application field (and because ecodesign is still widely used). So what is ecodesign? It is unquestionable that on the first comprehensive level the word eco-design is rather self-explanatory, as its general meaning derives directly from its component terms: eco-design is design following ecological criteria. Manifested as a compound expression of a vast complex of design activities, it tends to handle ecological questions with an upstream approach, i. e. redesigning the products themselves.

екодизайн -- охорона довкілля -- екологічне виробництво

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