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Show me Microsoft® Office Excel 2003 [Electronic resource] / Steve Johnson Perspection, Inc.. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 448 p
Переклад назви: Покажи мені Microsoft® Office Excel 2003


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Microsoft Office Excel 2003 provides powerful new tools with which to create, analyze, and share spreadsheet information. Excel 2003 takes advantage of the latest technologies such as XML and Microsoft SharePoint to extend desktop productivity and workspace collaboration over an intranet or the Internet. This book covers these changes, as well as smart tags, which are far more flexible in Excel 2003, and several statistical functions that have been improved to make data analysis easier. Show Me's visual format highlights these usability features for new or upgrading users, especially those upgrading from Office 97 or Office 2000. Though Excel 2003 has the fewest changes of all the Office applications, new and upgrading users will need a resource to quickly get them working with the software. This book's succinct yet complete coverage does just that! Additional features of this book include a "Troubleshooting Guide" to help solve common problems and a "Project Guide" with a listing of real-world projects by feature, as well as a "MOS Exam Guide" with a complete listing of MOS objectives and page numbers to locate the objectives. This feature gives the series a definite advantage over competing visual titles.

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