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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

The Gale encyclopedia of children's health: infancy through adolescence [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. K. M. Krapp, J. Wilson. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія здоров'я дитини


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Vol 1 : A - C. - P. 1-550

Vol. 2 : D - K. - P. 551-1058

Vol. 3 : L - R. - P. 1059-1601

Vol. 4 : S - Z. - P. 1602-2178

Perfect for parents and allied health students, the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health provides in-depth coverage of pediatric diseases and disorders, along with issues related to physical and cognitive/behavioral development. Written without hard-to-understand medical jargon, the four-volume set uses language parents can understand, while still providing enough depth to benefit today's health science students. The set, which covers every major body system, is arranged into five main entry types: Diseases & Disorders; Development; Immunizations; Drugs; Procedures. With a distinct emphasis on the health issues affecting children under the age of four, the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health provides a much-needed service to new parents and promises to be a frequently used resource in any library.

педіатрія -- дитяча хвороба

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Countries and their cultures [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. M. Ember, C. R. Ember. - New York : Macmillan, 2001
Переклад назви: Країни та їх культури


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Vol. 1 : Afghanistan to Czech Republic. - 633 p.

Vol. 2 : Denmark to Kyrgyzstan. - 647 p.

Vol. 3 : Laos to Rwanda. - 652 p.

Vol. 4 : Saint Kitts and Nevis to Zimbabwe. Index. - 679 p.

Like the ten-volume Encyclopedia of World Cultures (Macmillan, 1996), the four-volume Countries and Their Cultures is based on the collection of ethnographic information known as the Human Relations Area Files based at Yale University. Unlike World Cultures, which is organized by culture, the new work is organized by country. This work's strength is that readers who know very little about a country can quickly obtain a good orientation to the major issues, history, and social structure of a nation. The 225 entries are between ten and 20 pages long and read like a cross between a well-written encyclopedia article, a travel guide, and a social science essay. They provide a good general overview of a country without greatly oversimplifying or distorting. All entries have the same structure, with sections on geography, history, demography, languages, food, economy, etiquette, politics, family, religion, and arts and humanities. A country's degree of cultural unity as well as its cultural variations are described in the sections on national identity, ethnic relations, and social stratification. Each entry has a map with a regional insert, black-and-white photographs, and a bibliography of recent scholarly books. Recommended especially for libraries that do not own Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Marc Meola, Coll. of New Jersey Lib., Ewing

антропологія -- демографія -- етнографія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Governments of the world [Electronic resource] : a global guide to citizens’ rights and responsibilities : in 4 vol. / C.N. Tate. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Уряди світу


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 2 : Dominica to Italy. - 348 p.

Vol. 3 : Jamaica to Political Protest. - 330 p.

In these volumes, 310 alphabetically arranged articles range in length from 500 to 3,500 words and cover 198 regions ("including every independent nation and several territories") as well as international courts, supranational institutions, concepts central to understanding political organization and human rights, and key individuals who have had positive and negative impacts on the evolution of citizens' rights and responsibilities. Country entries describe the system of government and the political evolution, with emphasis on the twentieth century and on issues related to the relationship between government and citizen. Each signed article concludes with a bibliography. The credentials of the authors (mostly academicians) are provided in the directory of contributors. Sidebars and black-and-white maps and illustrations break up the text. Same-page definitions in the margins of terms (such as ethnic cleansing, guerrilla, and republic make the information more comprehensible, as does the glossary, which is repeated at the end of each volume. In addition, each volume includes a cumulative index and a thematic outline of topics so that users can easily locate information on relevant persons, documents, legal issues, and concepts, as well as country-specific data and history, and teachers can plan correlated assignments. Another useful feature is the filmography, which is arranged by country. Entries are complemented by volume-specific selections of primary documents (for example, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and Convention of the Rights of the Child).

влада -- права людини -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of cancer [Electronic resource] : a guide to cancer and its treatments: in 2 vol. / editor J. L. Longe. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2005. - 1419 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Раку


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In a statement immediately preceding the introduction, the publisher states clearly that this encyclopedia is quot;is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare professional.quot; That said, this second edition of a work first published in 2001 is an excellent resource for anyone seeking a greater understanding of cancer. Specific cancers, diagnostic procedures, treatments, and much more are discussed thoroughly and in straightforward lay language. Cancer biology, Carcinogenesis, Cancer prevention, Clinical trials, and other cancer-related topics are among the 450 or more entries presented in A-Z format. Uniform entries on specific types of cancer begin with a definition, a description, and demographic and statistical information before focusing on the detailscauses, symptoms, diagnosis (including tests and procedures), e-treatment, prognosis, patient coping, home care, prevention, and special concerns. The frank and rather clinical-sounding treatment discussion includes staging, standards, and, when appropriate, alternative therapies, anticipated side effects, and even questions for the doctor. Key terms used in the discussion are identified and explained; clinical trials are noted.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

King, Julie Adair.
Canon EOS digital rebel XSi/450D for dummies [Electronic resource] / Julie Adair King. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2008. - 340 p.
Переклад назви: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D для "чайників"


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Очередная книга из серии "Для чайников", посвящённая новой модели CCanon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D. Обзор основных функций, хитрости и приёмы фотосъёмки всё это вы найдёте в этой книге.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Russian History [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / J.R. Millar. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Російської Історії


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : A-D. - 524 p.

Vol. 2 : E-L. - 464 p.

Vol. 3 : M-R. - 464 p.

Vol. 4 : S-Z. - 496 p.

A scholarly resource accessible to a general audience, the Encyclopedia of Russian History provides more than 1,500 entries encompassing more than 1,000 years of Russian history, from the formation of Kievan Rus in the mid-ninth century to the present-day Russian Federation. A seven-member editorial board of Russian scholars headed by editor-in-chief Millar (Director of the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University) oversaw topic selection. All entries are signed by one of more than 500 contributors. Entries are arranged alphabetically. To access them, users can scan the article title list in volume 1 or use the cumulative subject index in volume 4. Bold type in the index designates main entries. Volume 1 also provides a list of article titles arranged by one of 21 general topics, such as "Agriculture," "Government," "Religion," and "Science and Technology".

росія -- історія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Fashion, Costume and Culture [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / S. Pendergast, T. Pendergast, S. Hermsen.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Мода, Костюм і Культура


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Vol. 1 : The Ancient World. - 294 p.

Vol. 2 : Early cultures. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : From the Renaissance to the Modern Era. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Modern World. Part I : 1900-1945. - 276 p.

Vol. 5 : Modern World. Part II : 1946-2003. - 282 p.

For assignments requiring research on cultures and customs, fashion and costume information through the eras is frequently needed by middle school students. U ·X ·L 's Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear Through the Ages has all the answers in a comprehensive, chronologically based, affordably priced, four color, 5-vol. set. With typical U ·X ·L high quality, Fashion, Costume, and Culture provides facts and information about the cultural, religious and social implications of human decoration and adornment throughout history, with a particular emphasis on the decades of the 20th century. In 500 entries, detailed information about clothing, hairstyles, tattoos, jewelry, body piercing, feet binding and other types of fashion or style is examined. Additionally, entries explain the fashion or style within the context of the traditions, customs, rituals or practices it relates to, as well as its significance to society or culture. Entries follow a standardized format to ensure that students can easily do comparisons. Arranged chronologically, each era, century or decade begins with a short synopsis of the historical highlights. With further division of the information by region, similar nations, countries and cultures are presented together and include an overview broken up with numerous subheads leading students directly to the information they need. For additional ease-of-use, information on specific fashion items and the country or culture that used them is divided into four main topics areas including: * Clothing * Footwear * Hairstyles and headgear * Body decoration To ensure relevancy for student research needs, entries were selected based on middle school curriculum, as well as their importance to a particular culture or country. Additionally, Fashion, Costume, and Culture is written at a seventh-grade reading level with difficult terms or concepts explained in each entry. Features include 400 color and black-and-white photos and illustrations; a timeline; words-to-know section; sidebars with related information; sources for further reading; an index; and more.

вбрання -- стиль -- одяг

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / J.L. Longe. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Альтернативної Медицини


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 604 p.

Vol. 2 : D-K. - 600 p.

Vol. 3 : L-R. - 616 p.

Vol. 4 : S-Z. - 668 p.

Can magnets relieve arthritis pain? Does the scent of lavender calm the nerves? Is St. John's Wort a mood enhancer? Authoritative, objective and in tune with the subjects that matter to students and researchers, Gale presents four volumes of current, unbiased information on alternative and complementary medical practices. Covering all aspects of the subject --Therapies, Conditions/Diseases, Herbs/Plants and People -- the Encyclopedia identifies 150 types of alternative medicine being practiced today, including reflexology, acupressure, acupuncture, chelation therapy, kinesiology, yoga, chiropractic, Feldenkrais, polarity therapy, detoxification, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, biofeedback, Ayurveda and osteopathy. For the practitioner or interested patient, there are current training requirements, listings of organizations, as well as descriptions of treatments. Information on recommended therapies for specific disorders and diseases, medicinal uses for plants and herbs are balanced by conclusions of studies on efficacy and analysis of current levels of acceptance by traditional scientists and doctors. Biographies of pioneers in the field -- including Deepak Chopra, Edward Bach and David Palmer --appear as sidebars through the text. Included are 39 sidebars. Each volume contains a color photo insert containing images of herbs. There are more than 275 disease/condition entries, 300 herb/remedy entries, and 150 therapies.

медицина -- лікування

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Everyday Law [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / J. Wilson.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Правнича енциклопедія на щодень


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Americans - Family Law. - 808 p.

Vol. 2 : First - Travel. - 692 p.

What is involved in estate planning? What can I do legally if I have noisy neighbors? What are the consequences of an expired visa? The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law fills a much-needed gap between legal texts focusing on the theory and history behind the law and more practical guides dealing with the law and its everyday effect upon its citizens. Containing approximately 200 articles, the Encyclopedia includes: brief descriptions of each issue's historical background, covering important statutes and cases; profiles of various U.S. laws and regulations; details of how laws and regulations vary from state to state, and; comprehensive bibliographies, including print and Web resources and lists of relevant organizations.

право -- закон

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Computer Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / R.R. Flynn. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Інформатика


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Vol. 1 : Foundations : Ideas and People. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : Software and Hardware. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : Social Applications. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Electronic Universe. - 368 p.

Here is an attractive, readable set designed to present the history of computers and reflect on their purpose, use, and impact today. Nearly 300 entries are organized into four volumes, usually with black-and-white illustrations, photos, or charts. Signed entries are two to four pages long and often include sidebars, definitions for terms or concepts, see also references, and bibliographies with a handful of current sources, many of them online. University professors are among the contributors. Repeated at the beginning of each volume are the preface, tables of measurements, time lines, and table of contents. Each volume concludes with the same glossary and topic outline and a volume index, with a cumulative index at the end of volume 4. Volume 1 (Foundations: Ideas and People) covers history; volume 2 (Software and Hardware), the nuts and bolts of the technology; volume 3 (Social Applications), how computers affect our everyday lives; and volume 4 (Electronic Universe), the networked society. Organization within each volume is alphabetical. Some representative subjects covered in volume 1 include Babbage, Charles; IBM Corporation; and Transistors. In volume 2 we learn about Client/server technology, Game controllers, and Touch screens; in volume 3, about Airline reserva tions, Educational software, and Spreadsheets; and in volume 4, Cookies, Global positioning systems, and Political applications. Several articles are current enough to include the 9/11 attacks and October 2001 anthrax letters. There are so many interrelated topics that dividing them by volume is confusing to a user. Chemistry and Electronic campus are in volume 4, but Distance learning and Physics are in volume 3. Assistive computer technology for persons with disabilities is in volume 4, although it could be considered a social application. Art and Music composition are placed in different volumes. The topic outline lists entry headings under broad topics and might be helpful in providing an overview, but it gives no indication of the volumes in which the entries can be found. For academic libraries, the standard Encyclopedia of Computer Science (4th ed., Grove, 2000) will probably be adequate, even though this field changes so rapidly. High-school and public libraries where there is emphasis on technology may want to add this set for its detailed coverage of people, concepts, and applications.

компьютер -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Plant Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / R. Robinson. - New York : Macmillan, 2001
Переклад назви: Ботаніка


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Vol. 1 : Ab - Cl. - 204 p.

Vol. 2 : Co - Gy. - 244 p.

Vol. 3 : Ha - Qu. - 240 p.

Vol. 4 : Ra - Ye. - 270 p.

A multi-faceted reference work, the Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences addresses the core knowledge, theories, and techniques employed by plant scientists, while also concentrating on applications of these in research and in industry. Plants influence all our lives as sources of sustenance, fuel and building materials. The Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences is a comprehensive yet succinct publication that covers the application of current advances in the biological sciences, through which scientists can now better produce sustainable, safe food, feed and food ingredients, and renewable raw materials for industry and society. This three-volume set also covers the concerns over continuing advances in the application of knowledge in the areas of ecology and plant pathology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology, as well as the ethical issues involved in the use of the powerful techniques available to modern plant science.

рослина -- фотосинтез -- генетика

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Archer, R.
Inorganic and organometallic polymers [Electronic resource] / R. D. Archer. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - 255 p.
Переклад назви: Неорганічні і органометалічні полімери


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Inorganic polymers are a group of compounds containing non-carbon elements as the principle backbone, where the variation in the side groups attached to the inorganic backbones yields polymers with a great range of properties. These polymers can be tailored for a variety of applications, including ceramic precursors, electronic materials, nonlinear optical materials, and biomedical materials. For the first time, this book offers a cohesive treatment, with a focus on metal-containing inorganic polymers.

металоорганічна хімія

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Brown, I. D.
The Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry [Electronic resource] : the Bond valence model / I. D. Brown. - Oxford : Oxford science publications, 2002. - 289 p.
Переклад назви: Хімічні зв'язки в неорганічній хімії


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Describes the bond valence model, and shows how it can be applied to synthetic and solution chemistry. This book emphasizes the separate roles of the constraints of chemistry and of three-dimensional space by analysing the chemistry of solids. Many applications of the model in physics, materials science, chemistry, and more are reviewed.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Real-Life Math [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia : in 2 vol. / K.L. Lerner, B.W. Lerner. - New York : Macmillan, 2006. - 653 p.
Переклад назви: Математика у нашому житті


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This new set helps students better understand commonly studied math concepts by illustrating their use in everyday life. Everyday tasks are designed to support the modern mathematics curriculum and contain examples related to the global economy. Grade 6-9-From concept to copyediting, this unwieldy survey of applied mathematics falls short in nearly every aspect. Each of the 80 alphabetically arranged chapters, from Addition to Zero-Sum Games, takes on a curriculum-centered topic. They open with a definition, close with a brief list of further sources, and in between quickly lay out fundamental terms and ideas, historical background, and descriptions of Real-life Applications. The latter often include word (rarely number) examples, but also tend to be nonspecific, if not outright simplistic; online purchasing over a secure connection is safe, for instance, because hackers can't decode the content even if they somehow manage to intercept the message somehow. Under Algebra, the entry on making tradeoffs between lifespan and voltage when Buying Light Bulbs assumes that small variations in voltage are an option. In addition, despite substantial duplication of topics, there are no see references to connect related entries, such as those for carbon dating or sports wagering. Printed in two large volumes of dense, double-columned, seldom-illustrated text, this is less likely than the textbooks that it is supposed to compliment.

математика -- обчислення -- розрахунок -- формула -- алгебра -- геометрія

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Chemistry [Electronic resource] : foundations and Applications : in 4 vol. / ed. J. J. Lagowski. - Detriot : Thomson Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Хімія : основи та додатки


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 1419 p.

Written at a level accessible to nonspecialists, including high-school students, college students in introductory courses, and the general public, this encyclopedia's purpose is to assist users in acquiring knowledge and understanding of chemistry. The 509 alphabetically arranged, signed articles were written by subject specialists and range from concise definitions to multiple-page overviews. Broad areas covered include analytical chemistry applications, biochemistry, biographies, elements, energy, environmental chemistry, medicine, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, reactions, states of matter, and structure. Examples of specific article titles are Alchemy; Artificial sweeteners; Boron; Clones; Franklin, Rosalind; Isomerism; Mole concept; Nanochemistry; Rubber; Spectroscopy; and zwitterions. In addition to explaining scientific principles, this set relates chemistry to everyday life. For example, Silly Putty (a silicone-based material) is a "liquid solid," the color of hydrangeas is determined by soil acidity, and endorphins may allow marathoners' bodies to endure long races. An 18-page glossary and 67-page subject index are included in each volume. Glossary definitions also appear in the margins next to the text. Although there are some cross-references in the articles, the index is more thorough. About 300 black-and-white illustrations and diagrams clarify the concepts under discussion. There are no color illustrations; color would have been useful to elucidate concepts such as bonding and molecular structure. Bibliographic references and related Internet resources are listed at the end of many articles. A "For Your Reference" section at the beginning of each volume provides selected metric conversions, an alphabetic table of the elements; common abbreviations, symbols and acronyms, and a periodic table of the elements. The similar four-volume Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry (1997), also edited by Lagowski, is aimed at a more academic audience and provides additional coverage of some topics. Although Chemistry: Foundations and Applications could be improved with the inclusion of some color illustrations, the very impressive scholarly contributors make this set worthy of consideration, particularly for high-school, large public, and undergraduate libraries. Nancy Cannon Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Evolution in Four Dimensions [Electronic resource]. - Cambridge : Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; London : The MIT Press, 2005. - 462 p.
Переклад назви: Еволюція в чотиривимірному просторі


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Ideas about heredity and evolution are undergoing a revolutionary change. New findings in molecular biology challenge the gene-centered version of Darwinian theory according to which adaptation occurs only through natural selection of chance DNA variations. In Evolution in Four Dimensions, Eva Jablonka and Marion Lamb argue that there is more to heredity than genes. They trace four "dimensions" in evolution—four inheritance systems that play a role in evolution: genetic, epigenetic (or non-DNA cellular transmission of traits), behavioral, and symbolic (transmission through language and other forms of symbolic communication). These systems, they argue, can all provide variations on which natural selection can act. Evolution in Four Dimensions offers a richer, more complex view of evolution than the gene-based, one-dimensional view held by many today. The new synthesis advanced by Jablonka and Lamb makes clear that induced and acquired changes also play a role in evolution.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bodian, S.
Meditation for Dummies [Electronic resource] / S. Bodian. - 2nd. ed.. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2006. - 386 p.
Переклад назви: Медитація для "чайників"


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"To tell you the truth, you can learn the basics of meditation in five minutes," asserts Stephan Bodian, meditation instructor, psychotherapist, and former editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal. You can also study meditation for years, exploring its subtleties. Meditation for Dummies is a simple, clear introduction to the basics of meditation, including an overview of dozens of techniques, practices, and specific meditations, plus direction for going deeper. You get step-by-step instructions for a variety of meditations, including body position, mental concentration, where to put your attention, what to contemplate or notice, physical movements, and breathing. A nice touch is the recurring "traditional wisdom": ancient stories or anecdotes that make a point. This book is useful whether you want the nuts and bolts for getting started in the next minute or you want to dip your mind into different practices and philosophies. Nothing is too elementary to explain: "how to sit up straight — and live to tell about it," what to wear, dealing with fear and self-judgment, and what to do when you get "stuck." You also get plenty of information about the benefits and varieties of meditation. You're bound find and develop a practice that feels right for you.


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Organic synthesis workbook [Electronic resource]. - New York : Wiley-VCH, 2000. - 278 p.


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"... The Organic Synthesis Workbook is an ideal compilation of state-of-the art modern syntheses which wonderfully showcases the latest advances in synthetic chemistry in combination with fundamentals in a question-and-answer format. The structure of the book is such that the reader can appreciate the intricacies of strategic planning, reagent tailoring, and structural analysis within the context of the individual synthetic targets. In providing highlights of synthesis from a wider range of natural products classes (alkaloids, terpenes, macrolides) the reader is given a tour through a broad range of reaction chemistry and concepts. Moreover, because in its scope the authors have ignored international borders, the book effectively parlays the global aspect of current research in the exciting field of organic synthesis... The Organic Synthesis Workbook promises to be to the current generation of graduate students, and even "students-for-life", what Ireland's and Alonso's books were to those of us who were graduate students in the 80's [Alsono: The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry, Ireland: Organic Synthesis]. The authors have wonderfully captured the thrill, the enjoyment, and the intellectual rigor that is so characteristic of modern synthetic organic chemistry."


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Grinter, R.
The quantum in chemistry [Electronic resource] : an Experimentalist’s View / R. Grinter. - New York : Wiley, 2005. - 475 p.


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This book explores the way in which quantum theory has become central to our understanding of the behaviour of atoms and molecules and the way in which this underlies so many of the experimental measurements we make, how we interpret those experiments and the language which we use to describe our results. It attempts to provide an account of the quantum theory and some of its applications to chemistry. The subject matter develops as follows: Chapter 1 considers the place of theory in science, emphasising in particular the significance of hypotheses, postulates and laws; Chapter 2 gives an account, in approximately historical sequence, of the development of the quantum theory paying particular attention to the emerging experimental data and the new theoretical concepts developed for their interpretation; Chapters 3 and 4 describe some fundamental details of the theory with explanations and simple, chemically-relevant examples. Emphasis is laid on what we can and cannot know and comparisons with classical, macroscopic mechanics are made wherever possible; The remaining chapters (5-12) describe the quantum mechanics involved in the important techniques (especially IR, NMR and electronic spectroscopy) and theoretical concepts (the chemical bond, molecular magnetism) that underlie our modern views of molecular structure and function. Here also calculations relevant to chemical problems are described in detail; Many aspects of the mathematics of quantum theory are placed in the 10 appendices which also provide a valuable source of reference material on units, conversion factors and mathematical functions useful in quantum-mechanical calculations; Most chapters include boxed text that expandson and explains the material in the main text and problems are presented at the end of each chapter. This book is for researchers working on experimental aspects of chemistry and the allied sciences at all levels, from advanced undergraduates to experienced research project leaders, wishing to improve, by self-study or in small research-orientated groups, their understanding of the ways in which quantum mechanics can be applied to their problems. The book also aims to provide useful background material for teachers of quantum mechanics courses and their students. This book explores the way in which quantum theory has become central to our understanding of the behaviour of atoms and molecules. It looks at the way in which this underlies so many of the experimental measurements we make, how we interpret those experiments and the language which we use to describe our results. It attempts to provide an account of the quantum theory and some of its applications to chemistry. This book is for researchers working on experimental aspects of chemistry and the allied sciences at all levels, from advanced undergraduates to experienced research project leaders, wishing to improve, by self-study or in small research-orientated groups, their understanding of the ways in which quantum mechanics can be applied to their problems. The book also aims to provide useful background material for teachers of quantum mechanics courses and their students.

квант -- хімія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Popular Culture [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / T. Pendergast, S. Pendergast. - Farmington Hills : St. James Press, 2000
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія популярної культури


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Vol. 1 : A-D. - 816 p.

Vol. 2 : E-J. - 612 p.

Vol. 3 : K-O. - 613 p.

Vol. 5 : U-Z. - 416 p.

This alphabetically arranged, 2,700-entry encyclopedia treats aspects of U.S. popular culture, defined as "all the experiences in life shared by people in common, generally though not necessarily disseminated by the mass media." In the process of winnowing the 4,000 or so potential topics that were suggested by an advisory group to a manageable number of entries, the editors sought balance, though not necessarily equal coverage. Content breaks down into articles that address social life (23 percent of the articles), music (16 percent), print culture (16 percent), film (15 percent), television and radio (14 percent), sports (10 percent), and art and performance (6 percent). A few entries, such as Currier and Ives and Dime novels, relate to the culture of the nineteenth century, but treatment is purposely slanted toward the twentieth century, and the latter half of the twentieth at that. Articles range from 75-to 150-word introductions to 3,000-word analyses. Each of the 450 contributors, mostly college or university professors and freelance writers, was asked to describe his or her topic and analyze its relevance to American popular culture, a charge successfully carried out in uniformly zesty and interesting prose, accompanied by numerous clear black-and-white illustrations. There are entries covering broad topics (Advertising, Jazz, Radio) and specific activities, comic strips, companies and consumer products, films, foods, individuals, musical groups, publications, social issues, sports teams, television and radio programs, and various other trends and phenomena, such as Advice columns, AARP, Aerobics, Air travel, and Astrology. Reflecting pop culture's inherent inclusiveness, there seems to be almost nothing missing, and an examination of the impact of Sigmund Freud keeps company with entries on Frederick's of Hollywood, Frosty the Snowman, and frozen food. This is one of those rare encyclopedias that is good not only for research but for casual browsing, and readers will find much that is fascinating. Each entry, laid out in an easy-to-read typeface in double-column format, concludes with a list of further readings that includes references to both standard print and online sources. The introduction, list of contributors, and alphabetical list of entries are repeated in each volume. The indexing in volume five is superlative and broad, consisting of three different indexes--one general, one organized by subject, and one organized by decade, creating linkages and widening access to the information available on any given topic. Cross-referencing is limited to see references that refer readers to appropriate headings. The indexing helps make up for the lack of see also references, although these would more easily guide readers between entries for Orson Welles and War of the Worlds, to take one example. Other reference works, such as the Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television [RBB Ag 97] and The Sixties in America [RBB S 1 99], cover specific aspects of popular culture or specific periods in greater detail, but none can match this set's broad sweep. A superb source for high-school, public, and academic libraries.

поп-музика -- знаменитість -- серіал

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