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Romero-Reveron R. 
A Venezuelan anatomist cited in the human anatomy treatise Testut-Latarjet = Венесуельський вчений-анатом, цитований у підручнику по анатомії людини "Testut-Latarjet" / R. Romero-Reveron // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2020. - 8, № 4. - С. 402-406. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Le traite d'anatomie Testut - Latarjet (The human anatomy Testut - Latarjet treatise) published in 1887, is considered one of the most complete on human anatomy, with detailed descriptions of the human body and anthropological concepts, accompanied by philosophical and anthropological concepts. This anatomy treatise is still a very useful teaching tool in many Latin American and European Medical Faculties. In 1902, this anatomical treatise won the Saintour Prize, awarded by the French Academy of Medicine and since 1910 it has been translated into Spanish, Italian, German and other languages. The Testut - Latarjet treatise on human anatomy consists of four volumes with a total of 4,935 pages in its 1960 Spanish edition, as well as 4,144 highly detailed illustrations in color. The 1960 Spanish edition of Testut - Latarjet treatise in its volume IV included a citing of the doctoral thesis: El elemento nervioso en el apendice libre. Sus aplicaciones quirurgicas (External innervation of the cecal appendix: its surgical applications) written in 1943 by Rubіn Rodriguez Escovar, M. D., a Venezuelan anatomist and surgeon, who held the Department of Human Anatomy at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, distinguishing himself as teacher and researcher over a period of 40 years. Certainly, Rubіn Rodriguez Escovar is not in the greatest group of prominent anatomists mentioned in the Treatise. Nevertheless, on merit alone for his research about meso-appendicular region's innervations, he was cited into Testut - Latarjet's treatise. As far as the present author knows, Ruben Rodriguez Escovar is the sole Non-European anatomist to be mentioned in the outstanding Testut - Latarjet Human Anatomy Treatise.

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