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Conffman, Peter.
Newfoundland gothic [Electronic resource] / Peter Conffman. - Québec : Multimondes, 2008. - 217 p. - (Collection Cahiers de I'Institut du patrimoine de I'UQAM ; 5)
Переклад назви: Ньюфаундлендcька готика

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My first thanks go to my doctoral supervisory team, Pierre du Prey and Malcolm Thurlby, who guided this project from idea to plan to thesis to book with unfailing wisdom, generosity, and enthusiasm. That the resulting thesis became a book is due to the generositya nd vision of Luc Noppen and l'Institut du patrimoine at 1'Universited u Quebec ir Montr6 aI andthe Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, who founded theP rix Phyllis-Lambert,wderw hose auspicest his book has beenp ublished.I am grateful for the confidence and support of the prize'sjtty, Guy Metraux, Lucie K. Morisset, and Rhodri Windsor-Liscomb. I would parttcularly like to thank Phyllis Lambert, whose involvement with the prize thatbears her name is but one of many invaluable services she has rendered to architectural scholars and scholarship.

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