
Alcohol and the developing world: a public health perspective [Text] / R. Room [etc.] ; Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, WHO. - Helsinki : Hakapaino Oy, 2002. - 276 p. - (Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies , ISSN 0356-2654 ; 46). - Альтернативное название : Alcohol in developing societies: a public health approach.

Тематичний рубрикатор:

Дод. точки доступу:
Room, Robin; Jernigan, David; Carlini-Marlatt, Beatriz; Gureje, Oye; Mäkelä, Klaus; Marshall, Mac; Medina-Mora, Maria Elena; Monteiro, Maristela; Parry, Charles; Partanen, Juha; Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies; WHO

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