"Laser technologies. Lasers and their application", international scientific and technical conference (2015 ; Truskavets).
Materials of international scientific and technical conference "Laser technologies. Lasers and their application" [Text] / [ed. by F. Sizov, I. Virt]. - Drohobych : [s. n.], 2015. - 148 p. : fig., tab. - Назва обкл. : Materials of scientific and technical conference "Laser Technologies. Lasers and their application". - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 200 ex. прим.

Тематичний рубрикатор:

Дод. точки доступу:
Sizov, F. (ed.); Virt, I. (ed.); National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Western scientific centre; National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Scientific council on laser physics and laser technologiesV. Lashkaryov Institute of semiconductor physics (Kyiv); Karpenko Physico-mechanical institute (Lviv); "Polish Academy of sciences" representative office in Kiev

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