Royal Irisch Academy.

Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. Sec.C, Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature [Text] / Royal Irisch Academy. - Dublin. - ISSN 0035-8991.
2004, Vol.104, №1 : Local traditions in early eighteenth- century commemoration: the Headstone memorials from Balrothery, Co. Dublin, and their place in the evolution of Irish and British commemorative practice / H. Mytum. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2004. - 35 p.:ill. (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2004, Vol.104, №1). - Bibliogr.: p.24-26.

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Royal Irisch Academy

Vol. 104
№ 1

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