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"Mozilla Firefox"

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Журнали та продовжувані видання (87)
Стародруковані карти (3)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 187
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.2018-2019 Taiwan at a glance / ed.: Lester Liyen Yang [et al.]. - Taipei : Ministry of foreign affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan), 2018. - 86 p. : ill. (Шифр: ІА24720)
2.Accounting, control, analysis and taxation in the conditions of international economic integration : collective monogr. / [Ye. V. Kalyuga et al.] ; Nat. univ. of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine. - Kyiv : Komprynt, 2019. - 190 p. : fig. (Шифр: ІВ227126)
3.Acta Tomiciana. T. 18:Epistolarum, legationum, responsorum, actionum et rerum gestarrum : Serenissimi principis Sigismundi Primi Regis Polonae, Magni Ducis Lithuaniae. Per Stanislaum Górski Canonicum Cracoviensem et plocensem collectarum 1536 / ed. R. Marciniak ; collegerunt V. Urban, A. Wyczański. - 1999. - 531 s. (Шифр: В267577/T. 18)
4.Advances in photodiodes / ed. by Gian-Franco Dalla Betta. - Rijeka : InTech, 2011. - X, 466 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІВ216678)
5.AIgorithms of practical skills in propaedeutics of therapeutic dentistry : manual for students of Dental faculties of higher medical educational establishment of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine / I. M. Tkachenko [et al.] ; ed. by Head of the department of propaedeutics of the therapeutic dentistry Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. I. M. Tkachenko ; Poltava State Medical University. - Poltava : ASMI, 2021. - 158 p. : fig. (Шифр: ІВ229228)
6.Akademikas Bronius Grigelionis : bibliografijos rodyklė / Lietuvos mokslų akademijos biblioteka (Vilnius) ; sudarė Aurelija Ališauskienė ; red. kol. Lina Kanopkienė (ats. red.), Gintautas Dzemyda, Juozas Marcinkevičius [et al.]. - Vilnius : Matematikos ir informatikos inst. : Lietuvos mokslų akad. bibl., 2005. - 126 p. : fot. (Шифр: ІВ216176)
7.Marcinkowski R. An illustrated atlas of old Warsaw / R. Marcinkowski. - Warszawa : HATTO, 2005. - 216 p.: phot., maps (Шифр: ІВ207807)
8.Asiatic mythology : A detailed description and explanation of the mythologies of all the great nations of Asia / J. Hackin [a.o.] ; introd. P. Couchoud. - London[etc.] : Harrap, 1932. - 459 p.: ill. (Шифр: ІС12644)
9.Marcel C. Asigurarea constituţională a dreptului cetăţenilor la pămănt : Autoref. al tezei de doctor în drept: 12.00.02 / C. Marcel ; Academia de ştiinţe a Moldovei. Institutul de filosofie, sociologie şi drept. - Chişinău : [б.в.], 2001. - 26 p. (Шифр: РА316213)
10.Lind D. A. Basic statistics for business and economics / D. A. Lind [та ін.]. - Boston[etc.] : Irwin: McGraw-Hill, 2000. - XII, 564 p.: ill. + 1 l.dod. + 1 CD-ROM. (Шифр: ІВ206873/CDR542)
11.Lind D. A. Basic statistics for business and economics [Electronic resource] : Student's resource CD-ROM / D. A. Lind [та ін.]. - Boston[etc.] : Irwin: McGraw-Hill, 2000. - 1 electron. opt. dysk CD-ROM. (Шифр: CDR542/ІВ206873)
12.March C. Business organisation for construction / Chris March. - London ; New York : Spon press, 2009. - XI, 212 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІВ213847)
13.Carpathian Ukraine in the Central European Political Crisis on the Eve of World War II (1938-1939) : collective monogr. / [M. M. Venesh et al.]. - Lviv ; Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2020. - IV, 215 p. (Шифр: ІВ228611)
14.Pocha M. Christian Dior : man who made the world look new / M. Pocha ; transl. J. Savill ; forew. S. Marcus. - New York : Arcade publishing, 1996. - XIX, 314 p.: ill. (Шифр: ІВ206504)
15.Church, Spirituality, Nation: the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in the Social Life of Ukraine : collective monogr. / [M. M. Venesh et al.]. - Lviv ; Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2020. - IV, 219 p. (Шифр: ІВ228627)
16.Marczewska-Rytko M. Civic/Participatory Budget in the Visegrad Group Countries in the Context of Good Practices / Maria Marczewska-Rytko, Dorota Maj. - Lublin : Maria Curie-Skłodowska Univ. Press, 2021. - 243 p. : fig., tab., phot. (Шифр: ІВ228541)
17.Marcu A. Conspiratori şi conspiraţii în epoca renaşterii politice a României, 1848-1877 / A. Marcu. - Bucurest : Cartea Românească, 2000. - 419 p. - (Aşezămăntul cultural Ion C.Brătianu ; 13) (Шифр: ІВ199247)
18.Constitutional Law : study guide / [Oleksandr Bakumov et al.] ; ed. by Tetyana Gudz and Mykola Marchuk ; Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. - Vinnytsia : TVORY, 2023. - 455 p. (Шифр: ІВ231588)
19.Marcus Cornelius Fronto correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Lucius Verus, Antoninus Pius, and various friends. Vol. 2 / ed., transl. C. R. Haines. - 371 p. - (The Loeb classical library ; 113) (Шифр: А54831/Vol. 2)
20.Marcus Cornelius Fronto correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Lucius Verus, Antoninus Pius, and various friends. Vol. 1 / ed., transl. C. R. Haines. - 1982. - lvi, 309 p. - (The Loeb classical library ; 112) (Шифр: А54831/Vol. 1)

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