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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=HABIBOVA$<.>+<.>A=KAMALA$<.>+<.>A=HUMBAT$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 10
Представлено документи з 1 до 10
1.Baku : photoalbum / [phot.: Rafael Humbatov]. - [Baku] : [AzerOlympic intern. publ. company], [2007]. - [36] p. : phot. (Шифр: ІР8661)
2.Azerbaijan. Travel information : this booklet a. CD contain comprehensive guide to most popular tourist destinations, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies a. all the information a tourist needs to visit Azerbaijan / photo: Rafael Humbatov ; design: Leyla Rasul . - Baku : AzerOlympic international company, [20--?]. - 23 p. : Phot. + dod. CD ROM (Шифр: ІР8664 /CDR1537)
3.Habibova K. H. qizi Features of contraceptive behavior of woman abd social and hygienic measures for its correction (on the exaple of Baku) : abstr. of the diss. for the degree of Dr. of philosophy / Kamala Humbat qizi Habibova. - Baku, 2021. - 26 p. (Шифр: ІР9183)
4.Humbatov S. A. The physical properties of the systems of liquid crystal-BaTiO3 nanoparticles : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2222.01 / Shirkhan Arastun Humbatov ; [Baku State Univ., Dep. of Chem. Physics of Nanomaterials]. - Baku, 2022. - 28 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІР9477)
5.Humbatov Y. A. Problems of improvement of organizational and economic management mechanisms of beekeeping in Azerbaijan : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 5312.01 / Yusif Abulfat Humbatov ; [Azerbaijan Sci.-Res. Livestock Inst., Agrarian Science a. Innovation Center]. - Ganja, 2022. - 46 p. : scheme, tab., pict. (Шифр: ІР9502)
6.Humbatova A. A. The role of the teacher in the development of the intellectual potential of young school-children : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 6104.01 / Ayna Abush Humbatova ; [Inst. of Education of the Rep. of Azerbaijan, Dep. of Psychology a. Spec. Education]. - Baku, 2022. - 26 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІР9426)
7.Humbatova S. F. Obtaining and studying nanocomposites on the basis of polymer matrixes : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2304.01 / Seadet Faig Humbatova ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Catalysis a. Inorganic Chemistry named after Acad. M. Nagiyev, Lab. of "Nanostructured Metal-Polymer Catalysts"]. - Sumgayit, 2022. - 33 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІР9534)
8.Habibova K. H. Features of contraceptive behavior of women and social and hygienic measures for its correction (on the example of Baku) : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3212.01 / Kamala Humbat Habibova ; [Azerbaijan Med. Univ., Dep. of Publ. Health a. Health Organization]. - Baku, 2022. - 25 p. (Шифр: ІР9544)
9.Habibova A. S. On well-posedness of some... / Habibova. - Baku, 2024.
10.Humbatova S. R. Modeling of the green economy... / Humbatova. - Baku, 2024.

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