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1.Ağaxan Ağabəyli 100 / Azərbaycan milli elmlər akademiyasi ; red. M. Musayev. - Baki : Elm, 2004. - 268 [s]., [12 s. il.] (Шифр: ІВ209325)
2.Ağaxan Ağabəyli 100 / Azerbaycan milli elmlər Ademiyasi ; tərt. Z. Ə. Abbasov [v. o.] ; red. M. A. Musayev. - Baki : Elm, 2004. - 288 s.: fot., il. (Шифр: ІВ210134)
3.Dənli və dənli-paxlalı bitki sortlarının kataloqu / [redaksiya heyǝti: C. Ə. Əliyev et al.] ; Azǝrbaycan Respublikasi Kǝnd Tǝsǝrrüfatı Nazirliyi, Aqrar Elm Mǝrkǝzi, Elmi Tǝdqiqat Əkinçilik Institutu. - Bakı : Nurlar, 2013. - 295 sǝh : foto (Шифр: ІС16053)
4.Genetik ehtiyatlar institutunun. I cild / [red. heyəti: sədr b. e. n. Z. I. Əkpərov [et al.]]. - 2009. - 535 [p.] : [fig.], [fab.] (Шифр: В277151/1)
5.Musayev A. A. Formation of international financial centers and development perspectives in Eastern Asian countries : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5310.01 / Musayev Afgan Abulfaz oghlu ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Oriental Studies named after acad. Z. M. Bunyadov, Dep. "East-West"]. - Baku, 2021. - 26 p. : tab. (Шифр: ІР9344)
6.Musayev A. F. Importance of taxes or seven nights of tales : manual for III-V grades / A. F. Musayev, A. G. Gahramanov. - Baku : [s. n.], 2005. - 115 p.: ill. (Шифр: ІВ210049)
7.Musayev A. F. Vergi mədəniyyəti / A. F. Musayev, A. Q. Qəhrəmanov. - Baki : Elm, 2004. - 287 s.: fot., il. (Шифр: ІВ209966)
8.Musayev N. M. Problems of literature of Turkic Nations in the creative work of Abdulbaki Gӧlpınarlı : abstr. of the diss. ... Doctor of Philosophy : 5717.01 / Nasraddin Musa Musayev ; [Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, Department of literature of Turkic Nations]. - Baku, 2023. - 34 p. (Шифр: ІР10335)
9.Musayev N. S. Socio-economic aspects of the development of the tourism industry : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5312.01 / Nijat Saleh Musayev ; [Azerbaijan Techn. Univ., Dep. of "Economics a. Statistics"]. - Ganja, 2022. - 30 p. : scheme, tab. (Шифр: ІР9888)
10.Musayeva S. A. Development of thermohydrodynamic methods... / Musayeva. - Baku, 2024.
11.Musayeva E. S. Oxidation of C2-C3 alkenyl aromatic hydrocarbons and pyrocondensate with hydrogen peroxide : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2314.01 / Elnara Sahib Musayeva ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Petrochem. Processes named after Acad. Y. H. Mammadaliyev, Lab. "Alicyclic Compounds"]. - Baku, 2021. - 34 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІР9255)
12.Musayeva S. S. System of work on intellectual development of preschool children : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5804.01 / Salahat Shovket Musayeva ; [Inst. of Education of the Rep. of Azerbaijan, Dep. of Theory a. History of Education]. - Baku, 2021. - 25 p. : tab. (Шифр: ІР9276)
13.Musayeva T. R. Socio-psychological features of formation of leadership qualities in student groups in higher education system of Azerbaijan : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 6114.01 / Tunzala Rajaf Musayeva ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Philosophy a. Sociology, Dep. of Social Philosophy]. - Baku, 2022. - 26 p. : pict., tab. (Шифр: ІР9886)
14.Musayeva V. H. Biotechnical fundamentals of utilization of oil production waste : abstr. of the diss. for the degree of Dr of philosophy / Vusala Haji Musayeva. - Baku, 2021. - 30 p. : tab. (Шифр: ІР9131)
15.Musayeva V. K. Development of historical issues of philosophy in Azerbaijan in the XX century (1920 - 1950) : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 7210.01 / Vusala Karam gizi Musayeva ; [Baku State Univ., Dep. of "History of Philosophy a. Culturology"]. - Baku, 2021. - 27 p. (Шифр: ІР9263)
16.Письма - живая история войны 1941-1945 гг. : сб. писем и док. / [сост.] F. A. Aslanova, T. K. Musayeva ; [ред.] C. Э. Bэhramov, N. Q. Qэdirova ; Институт истории им. А.А.Бакиханова НАН Азербайджана. - Баку : Элм, 2009. - 327 с.: фот. (Шифр: ВА721902)

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