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1.(Znx)n-1 generalization of the chiral Potts model / V. V. Bazhanov [та ін.] ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1990. - 22 p. - (Preprints / IHEP ; 90-137) (Шифр: ІР6330)
2.Klimenko K. G. 1/N and symmetry restoration in O(N)xO(N) scalar theory at large temperatures / K. G. Klimenko ; USSR State Committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1988. - 8 p.: fig. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 88-149) (Шифр: ІР6386)
3.Shabalin E. P. Alternative model of effective chiral langrangian of the fields with spin O and I / E. P. Shabalin. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1990. - 24 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 9-90) (Шифр: ІР7020)
4.Pyatov P. N. Characteristic relations for quantium matrices / P. N. Pyatov, P. A. Saponov ; State research center of Russia, Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1995. - 8 p. - (Preprtint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 95-39) (Шифр: ІР8474)
5.Simonov Y. A. Cluster expansion, non-abelian Stokes theorem and magnetic monopoles / Y. A. Simonov. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1988. - 27 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 110-88) (Шифр: ІР7033)
6.Devchand C. Comultiplication for quantum deformations of the centreless Virasoro algebrain the continuum formulation / C. Devchand, M. V. Saveliev ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1990. - 8 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 90-144) (Шифр: ІР6490)
7.Gerasimov A. Conformal blocks for minimal models / A. Gerasimov, A. Morozov. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1988. - 8 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 139-88) (Шифр: ІР6937)
8.Zamolodchikov, A. B. Conformal field theory and 2D critical phenomena. 1:Algebra of local fields. - 1989. - 32 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 112-89) (Шифр: В276479/1)
9.Zamolodchikov, A. B. Conformal field theory and 2D critical phenomena. 3:Conformal bootstrap and degenerate representations of conformal algebra. - 1990. - 29 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 31-90) (Шифр: В276479/3)
10.Zamolodchikov, A. B. Conformal field theory and 2D critical phenomena. 5a:Conformal theory of critical Ashkin-Teller model. - 1990. - 38 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 91-90) (Шифр: В276479/. 5a)
11.Zamolodchikov, A. B. Conformal field theory and 2D critical phenomena. 5b:Conformal theory of critical Ashkin-Teller model. - 1990. - 21 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 92-90) (Шифр: В276479/5b)
12.Zamolodchikov, A. B. Conformal field theory and 2D critical phenomena. 4:Minimal models. - 1990. - 27 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 83-90) (Шифр: В276479/4)
13.Zamolodchikov, A. B. Conformal field theory and 2D critical phenomena. 2:Renormalization group and conformal symmetry. - 1989. - 29 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 173-89) (Шифр: В276479/2)
14.Kashaev R. M. Cycle L-operators connected with Uq(sl(b)) algebra and related integrable models / R. M. Kashaev, V. V. Mangazeev ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1993. - 44 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 93-20) (Шифр: ІР6534)
15.Plyushchay M. Does the quantization of a particle with curvature lead to the Dirac equation? / M. Plyushchay. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1990. - 11 p. - (Prepr. / Institute for high energy physics ; 90-90) (Шифр: ІР7322)
16.Ksenzov V. Effektive Lagrangian from O(N) d-model with additional constraints in the fields / V. Ksenzov. - Moscow : [б.в.], 1990. - 8 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; ITEP 122-90) (Шифр: ІР6752)
17.Mangazeev V. Elliptic solution for modified tetrahedron equations / V. Mangazeev, Y. Stroganov ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1993. - 9 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 93-80) (Шифр: ІР6355)
18.Aliev B. N. Exact solutions of the vacuum Einstein's equations allowing for two nonecommuting killing vectors. (Type G2 II of Petrov classification) / B. N. Aliev, A. N. Leznov ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1990. - 13 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 90-50) (Шифр: ІР6463)
19.Klimenko K. G. Gaussian effective potential and symmetry restoration at high temperatures in fior-dimensional O(N)x0(N) field theory / K. G. Klimenko ; USSR State Committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1988. - 14 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 88-84) (Шифр: ІР6401)
20.Klimenko K. G. Gaussian effective potential in the O(N) theory with adjoint multiplet of scalar fields / K. G. Klimenko ; USSR State Committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1988. - 18 p.: fig. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 88-69) (Шифр: ІР6400)

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