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Журнали та продовжувані видання (77)
Книжкові видання    Розширений пошук
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Пошуковий запит: (<.>U=С73(0)$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 320
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Население земного шара : Справочник по странам / отв. ред. С. И. Брук ; АН СССР, Институт этнографии им. Н.Н.Миклухо-Маклая. - М. : Наука, 1965. - 374 с.+ прил. (Шифр: Михайленко П.П./ВА91)
2.Morgan M. Population and food supply / Michael Morgan. - London ; Glasgow : Collins, 1969. - 96 p. : ill. (Шифр: ІА24357)
3.Народонаселение стран мира : Справочник / В. И. Козлов [и др.] ; ред. Б. Ц. Урланис. - М. : Статистика, 1974. - 479 с. (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М. 74)
4.Hiemenz U. Trade in place of migration : employment-oriented study with special reference to the Federal Republic of Germany, Spain and Turkey / U. Hiemenz, K. Schatz. - Geneva : International labour office, 1979. - X, 118 p. (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М./№269)
5.Etude d'ensemble des rapports concernant les conventions nos 97 et 143 et les recommandations nos 86 et 151 sur les travailleurs migrants : Rapport de la Commission d'experts pour l'application des conventions et recommandations (art. 19, 22 et 35 de la Constitution)- volume B. - Genève : Bureau international du Travail, 1980. - VII, 190 p. - (Conférence internationale du Travail, 66e session 1980 ; rapport 3, P.4B) (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М./№262/4B)
6.Standing G. Income transfers and remittances: a module for migration surveys : This publication was prepared with the financial support of the Unites Nations fund population activities (project No. GLO/75/PO2) / G. Standing. - Geneva : International labour office, 1981. - III, 84 p. (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М./№199 (in))
7.Oberai A. Migration, production and technological change: analytical issues and guidelines for data collection and analysis : This study was carried out with the financial support of the United Nations Fund for population activities (Project No. GLO/75/P02) / A. Oberai. - Geneva : International labour office, 1981. - V, 82 p. (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М./№261)
8.International migration policies and programmes: a world survey. - New York : United Nations, 1982. - V, 111 p. - (Population studies / Department of International economic and social affairs ; no.80) (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М./№264)
9.International Perspectives on Aging: Population and Policy Challenges / ed. R. H. Binstock [etc.] ; UNFPA. - New York : UN, 1982. - viii, 216 p. - (Policy Development Studies ; 7) (Шифр: UN/490.7)
10.Standing G. Analysing inter- relationships between migration and employment : This study was carried out with the financial support of the United Nations Fund for population activities (project GLO/79/P83) / G. Standing. - Geneva : International labour office, 1982. - 51 p. (Шифр: Шлепаков А.М./№189 (in))
11.Kurian G. T. The new book of world rankings / G. T. Kurian. - New York : Facts on File, 1984. - 490 p. (Шифр: ІВ195896)
12.Перспективы в области народонаселения : Заявления руководителей государств / Фонд ООН в области народонаселения. - Нью-Йорк : [б. и.], 1985. - xxiv, 311 с. (Шифр: ООН/160.2)
13.Поляков Л. Е. Цена войны: Демографический аспект / Л. Е. Поляков. - М. : Финансы и статисика, 1985. - 134, [2] с. (Шифр: Коваль В. С. ВА579)
14.Migration und Menschenwürde : Fakten, Analysen und ethische Kriterien / hrsg. K. Barwig, D. Mieth. - Mainz : Matthias-Grünewald, 1987. - 211 S.: Abb. (Шифр: ІВ197007)
15.Economic and Social Implications of Population Aging : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Population Structure and Development, Tokyo, 10-12 Sept. 1987 / Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. - New York : UN, 1988. - viii, 430 p. (Шифр: ST/ESA/SER.R/85)
16.Ageing and Urbanization : Proceedings of the UN International Conference on Ageing Populations in the Context of Urbanization, Sendai (Japan), 12-16 Sept. 1988 / Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. - New York : UN, 1991. - viii, 461 p. (Шифр: ST/ESA/SER.R/109)
17.Appleyard R. T. International Migration: Challenge For The Nineties / R. T. Appleyard. - Geneva : IOM, 1991. - 84 p. (Шифр: IOM/5)
18.World Population Projections, 1992-93 Edition : Estimates and Projections with Related Demographic Statistics / E. Bos [etc.]. - Baltimore ; London : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. - vii, 515 p. (Шифр: WB/56(1992-93))
19.Population and the World Bank : Implications from eight case studies / Operations Evaluation Department. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1992. - xii, 159 p. - (World Bank Operations Evaluation Study, ISSN 1011-0984) (Шифр: WB/92.1)
20.Kennedy P. Preparing for the twenty-first century / Paul Kennedy. - New York : Random House, 1993. - XVI, 428 p. : chart, tab. (Шифр: ФПУ №3459)

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