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"Mozilla Firefox"

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Книжкові видання    Розширений пошук
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повний стислий
Пошуковий запит: (<.>U=У010.295.4$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 214
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Johnson H. J. Financial institutions and markets: A global perspective : Instructor's manual and test bank to accompany / H. J. Johnson. - New York[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1993. - 313 p. (Шифр: ІВ193530)
2.Johnson H. J. Financial institutions and markets: A global perspective / H. J. Johnson. - New York[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1993. - 560 p.: fig. - (McGraw-Hill series in finance) (Шифр: ІВ193531)
3.Daukševičiūtė I. Modelling a commercial bank's relationship marketing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises : summary doctoral dissertation : Social sciences, management (03S) / Irena Daukševičiūtė ; Vilnius Gediminas Technikal University. - Vilnius : Technika, 2013. - 24 p. : tab. (Шифр: ІР10114)
4.Shvaika M. A. The credit monetary system: its essence and peculiarities of its functioning / M. A. Shvaika ; Kyiv International University. - Kyiv : Publishing House of Kyiv International University, 2008. - 303 p. (Шифр: ІВ211108)
5.Rugge S. The information broker's handbook / S. Rugge, A. Glossbrenner. - New York[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1995. - 453 p.+ pril. (1 disketa). - (The entrepreneurial PC series) (Шифр: ІВ195964 c prІl.1(dІsketa))
6.Shvaika M. A. The issues of formation, development and functioning of the credit-monetary system (it's transformation from the crisis stimulator into the provoker of world financial crisis) / M. A. Shvaika ; Kyiv International University. - Kyiv : Publishing House of Kyiv International University, 2009. - 324 p. (Шифр: ІВ211723)
7.Karimov R. I. The market mechanism's national economic features and development directions : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5307.01 / Ramal Irshad Karimov ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Economics, Dep. "Theory a. History of Econ. Thought"]. - Baku, 2021. - 28 p. : fig., tab. (Шифр: ІР9334)
8.World Investment Report, 1997: Transnational Corporations, Market Structure and Competition Policy / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 1997. - xxxv, 381 p. (Шифр: TD/ITE/IIT/5)
9.World Investment Report, 1998: Trends and Determinants / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 1998. - xxxi, 428 p. (Шифр: TD/WIR/1998)
10.World Investment Report, 1999: Foreign Direct Investment and the Challenge of Development : Overview / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 1999. - vi, 75 p. (Шифр: TD/WIR/1999(Ov.))
11.World Investment Report, 1999: Foreign Direct Investment and the Challenge of Development / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 1999. - xxxiv, 541 p. (Шифр: TD/WIR/1999)
12.World Investment Report, 2000: Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development : Overview / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2000. - vi, 65 p. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2000(Ov.).)
13.World Investment Report, 2000: Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2000. - xxviii, 337 p. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2000)
14.World Investment Report, 2001: Promoting Linkages : Overview / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2001. - vi, 64 p. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2001(Ov.).)
15.World Investment Report, 2001: Promoting Linkages / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2001. - xxviii, 354 p. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2001)
16.World Investment Report, 2002: Transnational Corporations and Export Competitiveness / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2002. - xxx, 350 p. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2002)
17.World Investment Report, 2002: Transnational Corporations and Export Competitiveness : Overview / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2002. - vi, 66 p. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2002(Ov.).)
18.World Investment Report, 2003: FDI Policies for Development: National and International Perspectives : Overview / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2003. (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2003(Ov.))
19.World Investment Report, 2003: FDI Policies for Development: National and International Perspectives / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2003. - xi, 303 p.: tables, graphs, maps (Шифр: UNCTAD/WIR/2003)
20.World Investment Report, 2003: FDI Policies for Development: National and International Perspectives: Statistical annex [electronic resource] / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2003. - 1 CD-ROM (Шифр: CDun 23 + UNCTAD/WIR/2003)

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