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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 125
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.1995 рік - рік IV Всесвітньої конференції ООН з становища жінок / Представництво ООН в Україні, НДІ "Проблеми людини", Центр "Жінки України". - К. : Проблеми людини, 1995. - 107 с. (Шифр: ООН/526.45)
2.Agreed Conclusions on the Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform for Action, 1996-1999 / Commission on the Status of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for the Advancement of Women. - New York : UN, 2000. - vii, 111 p. (Шифр: UN/897)
3.Assessing the Status of Women : Guide to Reporting Under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Agaist Women / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for the Advancement of Women. - New York : UN, 2000. - 112 p. (Шифр: UN/996)
4.Beijing to Beijing +5: Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action : Report of the Secretary-General. - New York : UN, 2001. - x, 301 p. (Шифр: UN/961)
5.Benschop M. Rights and reality: Are women's equal rights to land, housing and property implemented in East Africa? / M. Benschop ; HABITAT. - Nairobi : UN Human Settlements Programme, 2002. - 198 p. (Шифр: HS/667)
6.Bezpalcha R. Helping survivors of human trafficking : practical guide / R. Bezpalcha ; Winrock International. - Kiev : [б.в.], 2003. - 102 p. (Шифр: ІВ204903)
7.Bringing International Human Rights Law Home : Judicial Colloquium on the Domestic Application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for the Advancement of Women. - New York : UN, 2000. - viii, 319 p. (Шифр: UN/921)
8.Bringing International Human Rights Law Home : Judicial Colloquium on the Domestic Application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for the Advancement of Women. - New York : UN, 2000. - viii, 319 p. (Шифр: UN/948)
9.Broken bodies, shattered minds : Torture and ill-treatment of women. - London : Amnesty International, 2001. - 67 p.: ill. (Шифр: ІВ203159)
10.Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women / Department of Public Information. - New York : UN, 1996. - 14 p. (Шифр: DPI/993/Rev.1/WOM)
11.Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women / Department of Public Information. - New York : UN, 1999. - 21 p. (Шифр: DPI/993/Rev.2)
12.Cotula L. Gender and law: Women's rights in agriculture / L. Cotula. - Rome : FAO, 2002. - xii, 174 p. - (FAO Legislative Study , ISSN 1014-6679 ; 76) (Шифр: FAO/181.76)
13.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. - New York : UN, 2000. - 9 p. (Шифр: DPI/1525/Rev.2)
14.Drafting gender-aware legislation: How to promote and protect gender equality in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) : Handbook / UNDP. - Bratislava : UNDP, 2003. - 58 p. - (Democratic governance series) (Шифр: UN/1029)
15.End Discrimination Against Women. - New York : UN, 1999. - [12 ] p. (Шифр: DPI/995/Rev.3)
16.Engendering Development : Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice. - New York : Oxford University Press ; Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2001. - xix, 364 p. - (World Bank Policy Research Report) (Шифр: WB/3.5)
17.Hajiyeva G. N. Protection of the rights of women... / Hajiyeva. - Baku, 2024.
18.Handbook for monitoring women's participation in elections. - Warsaw : OSCE/ODIHR, 2004. - 53 p. (Шифр: OSCE/14)
19.National tripartite seminar "Labour migration policy, legislation and its implementation in the prevention of trafficking in women in Ukraine" (2004;Kyiv). National tripartite seminar "Labour migration policy, legislation and its implementation in the prevention of trafficking in women in Ukraine" : 15-17 March 2004, Kyiv / Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine, ILO. - Kyiv : [б.в.], 2005. - 155 p. (Шифр: ILO/514)
20.ONU. Assemblee generale. Session (53 ; 1998 ; New York) Documents officiels. Suppl. 41:Rapport du Comite des droits de l'enfant. - 1998. - iii, 150 p. - (ISSN 1020-1874) (Шифр: A/53/Supp.41 F)

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