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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 8
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Prevost, G..
The Nicaraguan revolution - six years after the Sandinista electoral defeat [Text] / G. Prevost // Third world quart. - 1996. - Vol.17. - : 2. - С. P.307-327

Wrabley, R.B..
Nation- building and the presidency: Competing national visions at the founding [Текст] / R. B. Wrabley // Presidential studies quart. - N.Y. - 1992. - Vol.22. - : 2. - С. 261-277

Krause, G.A..
Presidential use of executive orders, 1953-1994 [Текст] / G. A. Krause, D. B. Cohen // Amer. politics quart. (Beverly Hills). - 1997. - Т.: Vol. 25, 4. - С. 458-481

Rozell, M.J..
President Nixon's conception of executive privilege: Defining the scope and limits of executive branch secrecy [Текст] / M. J. Rozell // Presidential studies quart. - N.Y. - 1992. - Vol.22. - : 2. - С. 323-335

Shields, T..
Executive vetoes: Testing presidency-versus president-centered perspectives of presidential behavior [Текст] / T. ShieldsChi Huang // Amer. politics quart. (Beverly Hills). - 1997. - Т.: Vol. 25, 4. - С. 431-457

Erikson, R.S..
State turnout and presidential voting [Текст] / R. S. Erikson // Amer. politics quart. (Beverly Hills). - 1995. - Т.: Vol. 23, 4. - С. 387-396

Самуилов, С.М..
The Gorbachev presidency: On the way to dictatorship? [Текст] / С. М. Самуилов // Presidential studies quart. - N.Y. - 1992. - Vol.22. - : 2. - С. P.239-259

Giglio, J.N..
Past frustrations and new opportunities: Researching the Kennedy presidency at the Kennedy library [Текст] / J. N. Giglio // Presidential studies quart. - N.Y. - 1992. - : 2. - С. 371-379
Фонд Президентів України

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