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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 17
Представлено документи з 1 до 17

Frymer, P..
Ideological consensus within divided party govermnent [Текст] / P. Frymer // Political Studies Quarterly. - 1994. - Vol. 109. - : 2. - С. 287-311

Les Benedict, M..
A new look at the impeachmentof Andrew Jackson [Текст] / M. Les Benedict // Political Science quarterly. - 1998. - Vol. 113. - : 3. - С. 493-511

Peterson, Paul. E..
The President's Dominance in foreign policy making [Текст] / P. E. Peterson // Political Science Quarterly. - 1994. - Vol. 109. - : 2. - С. 215-234

Lowi, T.J..
Presidential democracy in America [Текст] / T. J. Lowi // Political Studies Quarterly. - 1994. - Vol. 109. - : 3. - С. 401-438

Banks, W.C..
A hew imperial presidency? Insights from U.S. involvement in Bosnia [Текст] / W. C. Banks, J. D. // Political Science quarterly. - 1999. - Vol. 114. - : 2. - С. 39-43

Chambers, J.W..
Jimmy Carter's public policy ex-presidency [Текст] / J. W. Chambers // Political Science quarterly. - 1998. - Vol. 113. - : 3. - С. 405-425

Sorenson, T.C..
Foreign policy in a presidential democracy [Текст] / T. C. Sorenson // Political Studies quarterly. - 1994. - Vol. 109. - С. 515-528

Tichenor, D.J..
The presidency social movements and contentious change [Текст] / D. J. Tichenor // Presidential Studies quarterly. - 1999. - V.29. - : 1

Gleiber, D.W..
Presidential influence in the policymakinq process [Текст] / D. W. Gleiber, S. A. Shull // Western political quarterly. - Salt Lake City. - 1992. - Vol.45. - : 2. - С. 441-467

Ichiyama, J.T..
Electoral systems experimentation in the new Eastern Europe [Текст] / J. T. Ichiyama // East European quarterly. - Boulder (Col.). - 1995. - Vol.29. - : 4. - С. 487-507

Hamman, J.A..
Reflection and congressional support: Presidental motives in distributive politics [Текст] / J. A. Hamman, J. E. Cohen // American politics quarterly (Beverly Hills). - 1997. - Т.: Vol. 25, 1. - С. 56-74

Lasser, W..
The American election of 1996 [Текст] / W. Lasser // Australian quarterly (Sydney). - 1997. - Т.: Vol. 69, 1. - С. 15-20

Hart, J..
President Clinton and the politics of symbolism: cutting the White House staff [Текст] / J. Hart // Political science quarterly. - 1995. - Vol. 110. - : 3. - С. Р.385-403

Abrams, H.L..
Bob Dole's age and health in the 1996: did the media let us down? [Текст] / H. L. Abrams, R. . // Political Science quarterly. - 1998. - Vol. 113. - : 3. - С. 471-491

Calise, Hauro.
The Italian particraty: beyond president and parliament [Текст] / H. Calise // Political Studies Quarterly. - 1994. - Vol. 109. - : 3. - С. 441-460

Barger, H.M..
Suspending disbelief: The president in pre-college textbooks [Текст] / H. M. Barger // Presidential Studies quarterly. - N.Y. - 1990. - V.20. - : 1. - С. 55-70

Schlesinger, A.M..
Rating the presidents: Washington to Clinton [Текст] / A. M. Schlesinger // Political science quarterly. - 1997. - Т.: Vol. 112, 2. - С. 179-190
Фонд Президентів України

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