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Guidelines for Digitization Projects for collections and holdings in the public domain, particularly those held by libraries and archives [Electronic resource]. - Hague : IFLA, 2002. - 58 p.
Переклад назви: Керівні принципи Проекту оцифрування колекцій та фондів публічного доступу, зокрема тих, які зберігаються у бібліотеках та архівах


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

These Guidelines have been produced by a working group representing IFLA and the ICA that was commissioned by UNESCO to establish guidelines for digitization programmes for collections and holdings in the public domain. The contract specified that the guidelines should so far as possible be particularly applicable to institutions in the countries of the developing world. Members of the group were nominated by IFLA and ICA and their activities were coordinated by Sjoerd Koopman, Coordinator of Professional Activities for IFLA.

бібліотека -- архіви -- інформація

Тип видання: монографія   
Bothma, T. JD.
IFLA World Report 2010 [Electronic resource] / T.JD. Bothma. - Hague : International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2010. - 52 p.


Географічні рубрики:

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The text of a country report is based on the response provided by the respondent(s) of each country and additional research in third party resources. Care has been taken to represent these views as accurately as possible. IFLA, the FAIFE Committee of IFLA and/or the editors/authors of the individual country reports cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur in the report. If the reader is aware of any such inaccuracies or would like to add information to the individual country reports, please send an e-mail to info(at) ifla-world-report.org.

звіт -- бібліотека

Тип видання: монографія   
Gill, P.
The Public library service: IFLA/UNESCO guidelines for development [Electronic resource] / P. Gill. - München : International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2001. - 116 p.


Географічні рубрики:

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This publication replaces Guidelines for public libraries published in 1986. It has been drafted by a working group made up of members of the Committee of the IFLA Section of Public Libraries.


Тип видання: наукове видання   
Marcum, D. B.
Digital library development [Electronic resource] : the view from Kanazawa / D. B. Marcum, G. W. George. - Westport : Libraries Unlimited, 2006. - 269 p.
Переклад назви: Розвиток електронної бібліотеки: погляд з Канадзави


Географічні рубрики:

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The Kanazawa Institute of Technology is Japan's largest institution of higher education specializing in engineering and technology. It is a world leader and collaborator in electronic initiatives, often on the forefront of systems design and telecommunications advancement. It is also the site of an annual symposium series on digital library development. Marcum and George have pulled together an international cadre of leading thinkers and experimenters, all of whom have participated in these symposia, to provide their considered opinions concerning the influence of digital technology on teaching and learning in general, and the role of the library in the educational enterprise in particular. Their contributions have, in turn, been arranged into four thematic groupings, which range from envisioning the future, and facing major challenges, to creating projects and programs, and developing digital libraries. An informative read for anyone involved in higher education.

цифрова бібліотека -- електронна бібліотека -- бібліотечна справа

Bland, Mark.
A Guide to Early Printed Books and Manuscripts [Electronic resource] / Mark Bland. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. - 249 p
Переклад назви: Довідник із стародруків та рукописів


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

A number of colleagues and friends have been kind beyond duty or friendship, and have provided me with both support and advice: to David McKitterick, Laurie Maguire, John Pitcher, Tiffany Stern, Andrew McNeillie, Paul Eggert, Steven May, Peter Lindenbaum, Marta Werner, Randall McLeod, Stephen Orgel, and Gary Day, I am indebted for the support and kindness they have shown. On a more personal level, I would like to thank Marcus Quiren, Karl Davies, Tim Myatt, Jeff and Jessica Staniland, Tim Brown and Gael Webster, Felicity Gifford, Tim O’Brien, Olika Kortiyeva, Neil Sewell-Rutter and Emilia Markot: at one stage or another of this journey, they have all made things possible. To Peter Shillingsburg, the debt is both more serious and specific: to him I owe the wisdom of his company, his engagement with everything that I have done in recent years, his sometimes acerbic but always astute comments on what I have written, his patience with my foibles, his discussions of textual scholarship and bibliographical history beyond the call of professional kindness, his generosity and companionship, and his profound sense of decency. I could not have asked for a better colleague, or friend, in my first four years at De Montfort. Bright lights cast deep shadows. It was on my return from London to New Zealand in 1979 that I found myself, aged 17, at Victoria University sitting alongside Mary McCallum in the second row on the left-hand side of Easterfield 006. In the course of the next hour, my life changed, although it took longer perhaps to realize the full significance of what that class had meant. Over the next few years, I was privileged to be taught by Don McKenzie on several occasions and, in 1983, he not only supervised my ‘dissertation’ on the late plays of Jonson; Alexandra Lutyens, Jan Moore, and I were the last students to take his literary scholarship class before he left for Oxford. A few years later, he was my supervisor in Oxford, and I last saw him in the Bodleian a day or two before I went out to New Zealand in 1999, three weeks before his death. This book would have been immensely better for his oversight and advice: I hope it does some justice to the debt I owe him. Julia Briggs had been at Oxford with Don, and when I moved to De Montfort we shared an office together for several years: at idle hours, our conversation would often turn to the debt we both felt towards his inspiration and kindness. Julia had a knack of reminding me of my better instincts: whatever Don had left brick, she made marble. The debt to my parents ought not to require any further explanation: I have been graced by their support, generosity, and love.

друкарство -- інкунабули -- манускрипти

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