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Бібліотекарям - Реферативна інформація - результати пошуку

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Формат представлення знайдених документів:
Пошуковий запит: ((<.>U=Ч73$<.>)+(<.>U=Ч81$<.>)+(<.>U=Ч24$<.>)+(<.>U=Ч611$<.>)+(<.>RZN=LIB$<.>))*(<.>K=UDR<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Shirokov V. 
Adaptive digital library support for creation and exploitation of the next generation of Ukrainian mono- and multilingual dictionary resources / V. Shirokov, V. Manako, K. Sinitsa, A. Manako // Библиотеки и ассоциации в меняющемся мире: новые технологии и новые формы сотрудничества : 6-я Междунар. конф. "Крым 99". - 1999. - 1. - С. 292-295. - англ.

Digital libraries are considered as technology support for creation and exploitation of the next generation of Ukrainian mono- and multi-lingual dictionary resources (UDR), which are based on the model of adaptive resources for the adaptive UDR-environments and integration of the interactions within these environments along different dimensions and scales. The results are based on the experience of the Digital Library of Ukrainian Language and Literature, that currently contains three components, namely, (1) a collection of primary sources of Ukrainian language and system components for dictionaries construction; (2) a collection of various Ukrainian dictionaries; (3) learning resources for users with different knowledge and skills levels in the corresponding domains.

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