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Соколов В. Ю. 
«Феатрон или позор исторический» В. Стратемана – книжкова пам’ятка кириличного друку: історико-книгознавчий аналіз / В. Ю. Соколов // Вісн. Одес. нац. ун-ту. Сер. Бібліотекознавство, бібліографознавство, книгознавство. - 2015. - 20, вип. 1. - С. 86-116. - Бібліогр.: 44 назв. - укp.

Запропоновано історико-книгознавчу характеристику видання праці В. Стратемана «Феатрон или позор исторический» (Спб., 1724). Проаналізовано історичні чинники створення та розповсюдження його на фоні розвитку книгодрукування праць з історії та значення видання праці В. Стратемана в розвитку історичної думки в Росії першої чверті XVIII ст.

Предложена историко-книговедческая характеристика издания произведения В. Стратемана «Феатрон или Позор исторический» (Спб., 1724). Проанализированы исторические факторы публикации и распространения его на фоне развития книгопечатания трудов по истории и значение издания произведения В. Стратемана в развитии исторической мысли в России первой четверти XVIII в.

In this article the author offers a historical and bibliographic analysis Cyrillic edition works of the German Protestant Bishop William Stratemanna “Featron or historical Shame” (SPb.: typography Alexander Nevsky Monastery, 1724) against the background of the Russian literary culture, historical thought and publishing the first quarter of XVIII c. The study revealed that the publication of secular books, in particular, historical themes, in Russia during this period was the state character and largely depended on the reform efforts of Peter I, who initiated the civil publishing, publishing repertoire, organization of translation and the formation of a secular book culture in general. It was found that the main goal of a secular publishing was the dissemination of ideas of education, science and education, the formation of readers’ needs, in particular with regard to the book of historical subjects. Stated that the theme of historical publications in the study period was determined by socio-political factors, public policy, as well as increased attention to the achievements of Western historical thought. The article defines the main directions of development of Russian historical thought, as well as the thematic repertoire of publications onthe history of the industry in the context of the formation of printing. The characteristic features of the development of Western Protestant and Catholic historiography XVI-XVII centuries. The analysis found that due to the socio-economic and cultural reforms, with the development of education and science, the need for a secular book, in particular historical themes have evolved relatively slowly. The demand for scientific, educational, industrial and secular book as a whole lagged behind the proposal,which is artificially supported by the state. Study of sources and scientific material allowed to disclose the value of the product W. Stratemanna - as the first Russian edition of the textbook on world history - in the dissemination and popularization of historical knowledge, as well as the impact on the formation of the Russian historical science. Identified the causes and factors that contributed to the popularity of historical writing in the first half of the XVIII century. Revealed the importance of translation and historiographical activity Gabriel (Gavriil) Buzhinsky - as a translator and author of the preface to the publication of works by W. Stratemanna - to familiarize readers with the achievements of Russian Protestant historical thought anddissemination of information on world history. The basic idea of how historical works W. Stratemanna and G. Buzhinsky preface, as well as their influence on the development of historical thought in Russia during the study period. On the basis of analysisof the sources and historiographical material reveals reasons prohibition and destruction of publications W. Stratemanna in 1749. The article gives a brief description of publishing printing Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg. Analyzed rates ofthe test edition, its presence in the libraries and book collections of individuals. The author attempts to bibliographic analysis of the copies of the publication W. Stratemanna that are stored in the collections of rare books of the largest libraries of Kiev: characterized printing features of these printed works, the state of frames and prints the contents provenientsy, marginalia and so forth.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч611.63(4РОС)52 + Т1-1(4РОС)46


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