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Robert Vaagan. Vaagan 
Librarians and Terrorism: the Ethical Principles of Information Access / Vaagan. Vaagan Robert // Библиотеки и ассоциации в меняющемся мире: новые технологии и новые формы сотрудничества : 10-я юбил. междунар. конф. "Крым 2003". - 2003. - 3. - С. 1219-1223. - англ.

Висвітлено питання прийняття нових законодавчих актів, спрямованих проти тероризму, які стосуються безпосередньо бібліотек. Звернуто увагу на те, що бібліотечні структури будуть змушені розкривати характер послуг, які надаються користувачам.

Освещены вопросы с принятия новых законов, направленых против терроризма, которые непосредственно имеют отношение к библиотекам. Обращено внимание на то, что библиотечные структуры будут обязаны раскрывать характер услуг, предоставляемых пользователям.

In the new millenium libraries and librarians are faced with a host of challenging issues, including an appropriate response to anti-terrorist legislation following the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Even before September 11, the idealistic principles enshrined in the core values of IFLA which are based on Article 19 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), had for decades been tempered by international and national legislation and practice. Both The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) and The International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (1966, 1976) condone restrictions of the freedom of expression e. g. in the interests of national security. After September 11, 2001 legislation was passed in many countries designed to prevent terrorism. While the intention is to restrain only those suspected of or proven to be linked with terrorist activities, there is concern that the potential consequences can be much more far-reaching and long-lasting. Within the library and information community there is concern that since some of the September 11 hijackers apparently communicated through Internet services in public libraries, librarians may be obliged by anti-terroist legislation to compromise traditional user privacy and confidentiality. Restrictions on library employee freedom of speech on professional and policy issues are a further cause of anxiety to many librarians and information professionals. How should we act in this situation?

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