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Fortriede, Steven Carl.
Moving your library [Electronic resource] : getting the collection from here to there / Steven Carl Fortriede. - Chicago : American Library Association, 2010. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Переміщення вашої бібліотеки: перенесення колекції на нове місце

Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The task of moving collections of books and other materials can be overwhelming as library facilities evolve to reflect changing demographics and use patterns. Author and experienced mover Steven Carl Fortriede has everything you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently with step-by-step directions, diagrams, spreadsheets, and photos. Readers will learn how to plan a library move, which method is best for a particular situation, how to recruit and train workers, and what tools and supplies are needed. Everything you need for the move is included - even specifications for boxes, moving carts, sorting trays, and a worksheet to calculate shelving layouts and growth rates. "Moving Your Library" is the complete kit for any librarian facing the daunting prospect of moving a library collection.

бібліотека -- інформаційне сховище -- книгарня

Тип видання: довідник   
Mann, Thomas.
The Oxford guide to library research [Electronic resource] / Thomas Mann. - 3rd. ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. - 317 p
Переклад назви: Оксфордський довідник із бібліотечних досліджень


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

With all of the new developments in information storage and retrieval, researchers today need a clear and comprehensive overview of the full range of their options, both online and offline, for finding the best information quickly. In this third edition of The Oxford Guide to Library Research, Thomas Mann maps out an array not just of important databases and print sources, but of several specific search techniques that can be applied profitably in any area of research. From academic resources to government documents to manuscripts in archives to business Web sites, Mann shows readers how best to exploit controlled subject headings, explains why browsing library shelves is still important in an online age, demonstrates how citation searching and related record searching produce results far beyond keyword inquiries, and offers practical tips on making personal contacts with knowledgeable people. Against the trendy but mistaken assumption that "everything" can be found on the Internet, Mann shows the lasting value of physical libraries and the unexpected power of traditional search mechanisms, while also providing the best overview of the new capabilities of computer indexing. Throughout the book Mann enlivens his advice with real-world examples derived from his experience of having helped thousands of researchers, with interests in all subjects areas, over a quarter century. Along the way he provides striking demonstrations and powerful arguments against those theorists who have mistakenly announced the demise of print. Essential reading for students, scholars, professional researchers, and laypersons, The Oxford Guide to Library Research offers a rich, inclusive overview of the information field, one that can save researchers countless hours of frustration in the search for the best sources on their topics.

бібліотечна справа -- наукометрія -- книгозбірні

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