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Формат представлення знайдених документів:
Пошуковий запит: ((<.>U=Х$<.>)+(<.>RZN=Х$<.>))*(<.>K=KARCH<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Тип видання: підручник   

Clinical forensic medicine [Electronic resource] : a physician's guide / ed. S. B. Karch. - 2nd. ed. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2005. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Клінічна судова медицина: Посібник психіатра


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

“Clinical forensic medicine”—a term now commonly used to refer to that branch of medicine involving an interaction among the law, the judiciary, and the police, and usually concerning living persons—is emerging as a specialty in its own right. There have been enormous developments in the subject in the last decade, with an increasing amount of published research that needs to be brought together in a handbook, such as A Physician’s Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine. The role of the health care professional in this field must be independent, professional, courteous, and nonjudgemental, as well as well-trained and informed. This is essential for the care of victims and suspects, for the criminal justice system, and for society as a whole.


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