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Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Roth, Mitchel P..
Prisons and prison systems [Electronic resource] : a global encyclopedia / M. P. Roth. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2006. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: В'язні та системи ув'язнення: всесвітня енциклопедія


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Prisons have undoubtedly changed over the years, as have penal practices in general, though more so in some countries than others. Prisons and prison systems have long been an overlooked part of criminal justice research, and as a result, limited material is available on many institutions. This comprehensive encyclopedia provides a historical overview of institutions and systems around the world, as well as penal theories, prisoner culture and life, and notable prisoners and personnel. Readers will find a plethora of information including material on such famous prisons as the Tower of London and Alcatraz, as well as on such topics as boot camps and parole. Other entries include Devil's Island, supermaximum prisons, Nelson Mandela, Pennsylvania system, and Amnesty International. Numerous appendixes list famous prisoners, prison museums, prison slang, and more.

в'язень -- в'язниця -- покарання

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Kalugin, O.
Spymaster [Electronic resource] : my thirty-two years in intelligence and espionage against the West / O. Kalugin. - Philadelphia : Basic Books, 2009. - 466 p
Переклад назви: Шпигун: мої тридцять два роки в розвідці і шпигунстві проти Заходу


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Oleg Kalugin oversaw the work of American spies, matched wits with the CIA, and became one of the youngest generals in KGB history. Even so, he grew increasingly disillusioned with the Soviet system. In 1990, he went public, exposing the intelligence agency's shadowy methods. Revised and updated in the light of the KGB's enduring presence in Russian politics, Spymaster is Kalugin's impressively illuminating memoir of the final years of the Soviet Union.

російська політика -- ЦРУ -- КДБ

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Weiner, T.
Legacy of Ashes [Electronic resource] : the history of the CIA / T. Weiner. - New York : Doubleday, 2007. - 702 p
Переклад назви: Спадок з попелу: історія ЦРУ


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Legacy of Ashes is the record of the first sixty years of the Central Intelligence Agency. It describes how the most powerful country in the history of Western civilization has failed to create a first-rate spy service. That failure constitutes a danger to the national security of the United States. Intelligence is secret action aimed at understanding or changing what goes on abroad. President Dwight D. Eisenhower called it "a distasteful but vital necessity." A nation that wants to project its power beyond its borders needs to see over the horizon, to know what is coming, to prevent attacks against its people. It must anticipate surprise. Without a strong, smart, sharp intelligence service, presidents and generals alike can become blind and crippled. But throughout its history as a superpower, the United States has not had such a service.

розвідувальна служба -- національна безпека -- розвідка

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Wynnycky, M.
The 1996 Constitution of Ukraine [Electronic resource] : a reflection of the values of the political elite / M. Wynnycky. - К. : НАУКМА, 1999. - 104 p.
Переклад назви: Конституція України 1996 року: значення для політичної еліти


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On 28 June 1996, almost five years after achieving independence, and after an exceptionally prolonged framing process capped by an all-night marathon session, the Parliament of Ukraine (the "Verkhovna Rada") passed the new state's first Constitution. This document has been widely heralded in Ukraine as confirmation of the permanence of that country's transition to democracy and statehood, and as a blueprint for the next stage of state-building reforms (Tatsiy et. al. 1996). According to such claims, the Constitution establishes ("zatverdzhuye") Ukraine as a European nation-state with a firm system of democratic institutions, and with citizen's rights enshrined in law. As such, it represents the completion of Ukraine's first stage of transition from Soviet rule, and permanently installs a stable political order within which further reforms are to be enacted.


Тип видання: методичний посібник   

Allard, P.
A Little Manual of Restorative Justice [Electronic resource] / P. Allard. - Ottawa : Just.Equipping, 2008. - 65 p.
Переклад назви: Маленький посібник відновного правосуддя


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The people who have been asked to contribute to this little manual on restorative justice have all been involved for many years in the restorative justice movement in Canada and abroad. The little manual wants to put into your hands a basic training tool. The themes addressed in the various modules are themes that the writers\practitioners have found useful in seeking to educate communities about restorative justice and engage citizens in a deeper reflection about the criminal justice system. Some of the modules are brief and seek only to draw attention to a few key elements and leave you with questions for discussion. Some others are lengthier and seek to provide you with food for thought. Depending on the length of the educational sessions, all of the modules may not be covered. It is estimated that proper coverage of all modules, allowing time for significant input from participants, would take at least three full days. Ideally, we recommend spreading it over a week. The modules could also be presented on a weekly basis depending on the availability of the audience. If the manual leads you to reflect more deeply with others on the potential and complexity of restorative justice and to want to learn more about how it can provide a meaningful way of transforming justice, it would have fulfilled its goal.

правосуддя -- права -- обов'язок

Тип видання: підручник   

Brown, R. C.
Understanding labor and employment law in China [Electronic resource] / R. C. Brown. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 350 p.
Переклад назви: Розуміння трудового права в Китаї


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China now has its legal system in place, and in recent years it has assembled substantive laws and regulations that govern the workplace, the employment relationship, and the contractual and statutory rights and benefits of its workers. As China moves ahead to raise the legal standards and levels of coverage and enforcement in these areas and its social security safety net, it also seeks to balance its very successful economic growth and competitive advantages especially as these relate to labor. Employers face increasing obligations and technical legal requirements, which in earlier years did not exist or at least were not consistently enforced. The current global economic downturn now puts added pressures on China to maintain advancement in labor and employment laws.

китайське право -- закон Китаю

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Levin-Waldman, O.
The Case of the Minimum Wage [Electronic resource] / O. Levin-Waldman. - New York : State University of New York Press, 2001. - 236 p.
Переклад назви: Доповідь щодо мінімальної заробітної плати


Географічні рубрики:

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Much of the debate over the minimum wage in recent years has essentially involved one between those arguing the adverse effect of raising the minimum wage--particularly among teenagers--and those who maintain that increases in the minimum wage would not only alleviate the poverty of some, but offer an attractive alternative to welfare. Often absent from the discussions have been grounded considerations of equity and justice. On the contrary, substantive questions of justice are at the root of the debate. And were the minimum wage to be approached from a more philosophical framework--as opposed to the impartiality of a cost-benefit analysis--a stronger case could be made for the minimum wage. This paper ultimately argues that a strong moral case for the minimum wage requires strong philosophical arguments.

найманий працівник -- трудовий договір

Тип видання: підручник   

Towl, G. J.
Forensic Psychology [Electronic resource] / G. J. Towl, D. A. Crighton. - Chichester : BPS Blackwell, 2010. - 476 p.
Переклад назви: Судова психологія


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In recent years there has been a growth in the availability and popularity of both undergraduate modules and taught postgraduate courses in the broad field of forensic psychology. Indeed the term ‘forensic’ has been increasingly juxtaposed with a range of areas of academic study e.g. analysis, anthropology, archaeology, computing, engineering, investigation, measurement, psychobiology, psychology and science (UCAS, 2008). This is also evident in much professional practice, both within the field of health (e.g. psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and social workers) and beyond (e.g. accountants and computing specialists).

судова система

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Bass, B.
Death's Acre. Inside the legendary forensic lab. The body farm. Where the dead do tell yales [Electronic resource] / B. Bass, J. Jefferson. - New York : G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2003. - 319 p.
Переклад назви: Акр смерті: Всередині легендарної судової лабораторії. Тілесна ферма. Там, де мертві розповідають казки


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Nowhere is there another lab like Dr. Bill Bass's: On a hillside in Tennessee, human bodies decompose in the open air, aided by insects, bacteria, and birds, unhindered by coffins or mausoleums. At the "Body Farm," nature takes its course, with corpses buried in shallow graves, submerged in water, concealed beneath slabs of concrete, locked in trunks of cars. As stand-ins for murder victims, they serve the needs of science - and the cause of justice. For thirty years, Dr. Bass's research has revolutionized the field of forensic science, particularly by pinpointing "time since death" in murder cases. In this riveting book, he investigates real cases and leads readers on an unprecedented journey behind the locked gates of the Body Farm. A master scientist and an engaging storyteller, Bass shares his most intriguing work: his revisit of the Lindbergh kidnapping and murder, fifty years after the fact; the mystery of a headless corpse whose identity astonished the police; the telltale bugs that finally sent a murderous grandfather to death row; and many more.

кримінал -- вбивство

Тип видання: монографія   

EU food law [Electronic resource] : a practical guide / ed. K. Goodburn. - Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Limited ; Boca Raton : CRC Press LLC, 2001. - 256 p.
Переклад назви: Харчовий закон Європейського Союзу


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EU food safety legislation has evolved over 30 years or so, reflecting a blend of scientific, social, political and economic factors. As a result, there has, at times, been little coherence in its development, resulting in over-complex and fragmented measures and lack of consistency. It is only recently that the EU has developed a clear policy framework for food law.

права споживачів

Тип видання: монографія   

Schechter, H.
The serial killer files: the who, what, where, how, and why of the world’s most terrifying murderers [Electronic resource] / H. Schechter. - New York : Ballantine books, 2003. - 423 p.
Переклад назви: Документація серійного вбивці: "хто, що, де як і чому" найбільш жахливих вбивць


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One reason people tend to think that serial murder is a frighteningly new phenomenon is that, until about twenty years ago, no one ever heard of such a thing. For most of the twentieth century, the news media never referred to serial killers. But that isn’t because homicidal psychos didn’t exist in the past. Indeed, one of the most infamous American serial killers of all time, Albert Fish, committed his atrocities around the time of the Great Depression. After his arrest, his unspeakable crimes were covered extensively by the newspapers. Nowhere, however, is Fish described as a serial killer. The reason is simple. The phrase hadn’t been invented yet. Back then, the type of crime we now define as serial murder was simply lumped together under the general rubric of “mass murder.”

вбивство -- кримінал

Тип видання: довідник   

Mozayani, A.
The forensic laboratory handbook [Electronic resource] : procedures and practice / A. Mozayani, C. Noziglia. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2006. - 300 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник судово-медичної лабораторії: процедури і практика


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Forensic science has come a long way in the past ten years. It is much more in-depth and much broader in scope, and the information gleaned from any evidence yields so much more information than it had in the past because of incredible advances in analytic instruments and crucial procedures at both the crime scene and in the lab. Many practices have gone digital, a concept not even fathomed ten years ago. And from the first collection of evidence to its lab analysis and interpretation to its final presentation in court, ethics has become an overriding guiding principle. That’s why this new edition of this classic handbook is indispensable. The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice includes thirteen new chapters written by real-life practitioners who are experts in the field. It covers the tried and true topics of fingerprints, trace evidence, chemistry, biology, explosives and arson, forensic anthropology, forensic pathology, forensic documents, firearms and toolmarks. This text also addresses an array of new topics including accreditation, certification, ethics, and how insects and bugs can assist in determining many facts including a margin of time of death. In the attempt to offer a complete and comprehensive analysis The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice also includes a chapter discussing the design of a laboratory. In addition, each chapter contains educational requirements needed for the discipline it covers. Complete with questions at the end of each chapter, brief author bios and real crime scene photos, this text has risen to greet the many new challenges and issues that face today’s forensic crime practitioners.

судова медицина

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Breslin, B.
From Words to Worlds [Electronic resource] : exploring constitutional functionality / B. Breslin. - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. - 213 p.
Переклад назви: Від слів до світів: вивчення конституційної функції


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In the 225 years since the United States Constitution was first drafted, no single book has addressed the key questions of what constitutions are designed to do, how they are structured, and why they matter. In From Words to Worlds, constitutional scholar Beau Breslin corrects this glaring oversight, singling out the essential functions that a modern, written constitution must incorporate in order to serve as a nation's fundamental law. Breslin lays out and explains the basic functions of a modern constitution -- including creating a new citizenry, structuring the institutions of government, regulating conflict between layers and branches of government, and limiting the power of the sovereign. He also moves into the esoteric, discussing the theoretical concepts behind the fundamentals of written constitutions and examining in-depth some of the most important constitutional charters from around the world. In assaying how states put the structural ideas into practice, Breslin asks probing questions about why -- and if -- constitutions matter. His answer is a resounding yes. Solidly argued and engagingly written, this comparative study in constitutional thought demonstrates clearly the key components that a state's foundational document must address. In doing so, Breslin draws a critically important distinction between constitutional texts and constitutional practice.


Тип видання: підручник   

Shaw, M. W.
International law [Electronic resource] / M. W. Shaw. - 5th. ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2003. - 1431 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародний закон


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In the quarter-century since this book first appeared, there have been few moments of uncertainty as to the direction of international relations and international law to compare with the early years of the twenty-first century. Globalisation has brought undoubted benefits in the fields of commerce, technology and communications, but also increased dangers concerning the rapid spread of disease and the growth of international terrorism. The clearly understood rules and limitations as to state conduct apparent during the ColdWar period have disappeared and (for the moment at least) the optimism engendered by a renewed United Nations in the early 1990s has dissipated. Increasing resort to force by states, entities and individuals coupled with the apparently easy access to weapons of high destructive capacity pose a significant challenge to those wishing to establish a world order based on justice,mutual respect, toleration and forbearance.

міжнародне право -- міжнародні відносини

Тип видання: довідник   

Goulding, S.
Company law [Electronic resource] / S. Goulding. - 2nd. ed. - London : Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999. - 479 p.
Переклад назви: Корпоративне право


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It is well recognised that company law is a large and complex subject which has expanded rapidly in volume in recent years. Added to this is the continual reform to the existing law. This is partly due to the need to comply with obligations imposed on the United Kingdom from Brussels, but partly because of the increasing complexity of commercial life generally. There is no sign that the growth and reform is at an end. In addition, there are now two established series of specialist company law reports (Butterworths Company Law Cases and British Company Cases) which have obviously resulted in many more cases reaching the public domain for comment and analysis. Further, no work on Company Law can now ignore the extra-legal controls and influences on director’s conduct contained in the recent reports on corporate governance nor the proposals for reform put forward, in particular, by the Law Commission. This edition deals with the main features of both the Law Commission’s Report on Shareholder Remedies and the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on the reform of director’s duties.

законодавство -- корпоративні відносини

Тип видання: монографія   

Feldman, S. M.
American legal thought from premodernism to postmodernism: an intellectual voyage [Electronic resource] / S. M. Feldman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Американська юридична думка з премодернізму до постмодернізму: інтелектуальна подорож


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To travel from premodernism through modernism and into post-modernism might take several centuries and even millennia. American legal thought, remarkably so, has made the voyage in just over two hundred years. My purpose is to tell the story of this mercurial journey.

модернізм -- юриспруденція

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Bennett, W.
The lawyer’s myth: reviving ideals in the legal profession [Electronic resource] / W. Bennett. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2001. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Міф адвоката: відродження ідеалів юридичної професії


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This book is the culmination of a personal quest that began sixteen years ago when I left law practice and began to cast about for other ways to make a living through my self-bred compulsion to live and think like a lawyer. It has been a meandering journey.

юриспруденція -- адвокатура

Тип видання: довідник   

Emanuel, L.
Latin for lawyers [Electronic resource] : the language of the Law / L. Emanuel. - 1th. ed. - New York : Emanuel Publishing Corporation, 1999. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Латинська мова для юристів: мова закону


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If you're just starting law school, you'll soon find out that lawyers like to use old latin phrases. If you don't have a guide To The confusing terminology, you'll quickly get lost in terms like 'replevin,' 'seisin,' 'habeus corpus,' and similar phrases. Even if you've been practicing law for many years, this book is a must-have reference tool. You'll be able to quickly understand what opposing counsel is trying to say in their briefs and motions. You'll be able to make better sense of the old cases you read. Latin for Lawyers will prove to be the reference tool that will help you through law school and throughout your professional career. the author, Lazar Emanuel, has had a distinguished career in law. A graduate of Harvard Law School, his resume includes founding partner of Cowan, Liebowitz & Emanuel (now Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman), president of Communication Industries, a multi-station radio and television company, and executive vice-president and general counsel of Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc. Oh, by the way, he's Steve Emanuel's father, too, which should speak volumes.

юридична термінологія -- юриспруденція -- право

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Sell, S. K.
Private power, public law [Electronic resource] : the globalization of intellectual property rights / S. K. Sell. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - 218 p.
Переклад назви: Приватна Енергетична Компанія, публічне право: глобалізація прав інтелектуальної власності


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Susan K. Sell s book shows how power in international politics is increasingly exercised by private interests rather than governments. In 1994 the WTO adopted the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which dictated to states how they should regulate the protection of intellectual property. This book argues that TRIPS resulted from lobbying by twelve powerful CEOs of multinational corporations who wished to mould international law to protect their markets. This book examines the politics leading up to TRIPS, the first seven years of its implementation, and the political backlash against TRIPS in the face of the HIV/AIDS crisis. Focusing on global capitalism, ideas, and economic coercion, this work explains the politics behind TRIPS and the controversies created in its wake. It is a fascinating study of the influence of private interests in government decision-making, and in the shaping of the global economy.

глобальний капіталізм -- глобальна економіка -- захист прав інтелектуальної власності

Тип видання: зб. статей   

International criminal law and philosophy [Electronic resource] / ed. L. May, Z. Hoskins. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 270 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародне кримінальне право та філософія


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This volume brings together some of the best recent work by philosophers and legal theorists on the conceptual and normative grounding of international criminal law. Philosophers and other theorists are only just beginning to write about the emerging field of international criminal law. International law has taken a significant turn in recent years. Rather than being primarily concerned with the relations of states, one significant branch of international law – namely, international criminal law – now concerns the relations of individuals, specifically, the responsibility of individuals for mass atrocities. As with any such change, there are many questions and problems that arise. In our book, we begin with considerations of the conflict between state sovereignty and universal jurisdiction; examine thorny issues raised when the victims or the perpetrators of international crimes are groups or corporations; proceed through various specific questions related to justice and human rights; and conclude with chapters on how international criminal trials should be seen in terms of theories of punishment and reconciliation. Throughout, these chapters relate thinking in political philosophy, ethics, and jurisprudence to cases and issues in the practice of international criminal law

міжнародні відносини -- кримінальний суд

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