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1.UNEP/SBC/94/3 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Adopted by the Conference of the Plenipoteniares on 22 March 1989 [Текст] : Entry into force 5 May 1992, 68 contracting parties as of June 1994 / UNEP. - Geneva : UNEP, 1994. - 97 p. - (Basel Convention Series / SBC ; 94/008)
2.UN/1016 Desk Study on the Environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories [Текст] / UNEP. - Nairobi : UNEP, 2003. - 188 p.: maps, ill.
3.WB/7.1992(1) Global Environment Faciliry. Participants' Meeting (3;1992;Washington). Report by the Chairman to the April 1992 Participants' Meeting of the Global Environment Facility. P.1: Main Report [Текст] / World Bank, UNDP, UNEP. - Washington : World Bank, 1992. - 61 p.
4.WB/1992(2) Global Environment Faciliry. Participants' Meeting (3;1992;Washington). Report by the Chairman to the April 1992 Participants' Meeting of the Global Environment Facility. P.2: Work Programme: Fiscal Year 1992 - Third Transhe [Текст] / World Bank, UNDP, UNEP. - Washington : World Bank, 1992. - 207 p.
5.WB/7.1991(1) Global Environment Faciliry. Participants' Meeting (2;1991). Report by the Chairman to the December 1991 Participants' Meeting of the Global Environment Faciliry. P.1: Main Report [Текст] / World Bank, UNDP, UNEP. - Washington : World Bank, 1991. - 56 p.
6.WB/7.1993 Global Environment Faciliry. Participants' Meeting (6;1993;Cartagena). Report by the Chairman to the December 1993 Participants' Meeting [Текст] / World Bank, UNDP, UNEP. - Washington : World Bank, 1993. - v, 224 p.
7.UN/1135 Lebanon: Post-conflict environmental assessment [Текст] / UNEP. - Nairobi : UNEP, 2007. - 181 p.
8.UN/1080 Natural allies: UNEP and civil society [Текст] / UNEP, United Nations Foundation. - Nairobi : UNEP ; Hertfordshire : Earthprint Limited, 2004. - 80 p.
9.A/58/Supp.25 Official Records. Supp. 25:United Nations Environment Programme: Report of the Governing Council: 22nd session [Текст] : 3-7 February 2003. - 2003. - iv, 84 p.
10.A/59/Supp.25 Official Records. Supp. 25:United Nations Environment Programme: Report of the Governing Council: 8th special session [Текст] : 29-31 March 2004. - 2004. - iii, 46 p.
11.A/57/Supp.25 Official Records. Supp. 25:United Nations Environment Programme: Report of the Governing Council: Seventh special session [Текст] : 13-15 February 2002. - 2002. - iii, 53 p.
12.A/57/Supp.5F Official Records. Supp. 5F:Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme: Financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2001 and Report of the Board of Auditors [Текст]. - 2002. - vii, 77 p.
13.A/61/Supp.5F Official Records. Supp. 5F:Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme: Financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2005 and Report of the Board of Auditors [Текст]. - 2006. - vii, 102 p.: tables
14.UN/783 Reducing Greenhous Gas Emissions: The Role of Voluntary Programmes [Текст] / UNEP, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division. - Paris ; Washington : UNEP, 1997. - xvi, 118 p.
15.UNEP/SBC/94/2 Revised draft model national legislation on the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes as well as on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes and their disposal [Текст] / UNEP, Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. - Geneva : UNEP, 1994. - 24 p. - (Basel Convention Series / SBC ; 94/003)
16.UN/1138 Sudan: Post-conflict environmental assessment [Текст] / UNEP. - Nairobi : UNEP, 2007. - 354 p.
17.A/53/Supp.25. UN. General Assembly. Session (53 ; 1998 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 25:United Nations Environment Programme: Report of the Governing Council on the work of its fifth special session [Текст] : 20-22 May 1998. - 1998. - iv, 45 p.
18.A/54/Supp.25. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 25:United Nations Environment Programme: report of the Governing Council on the work of its 20th session [Текст] : 1-5 February 1999. - 1999. - iii, 51 p. - (ISSN 0252-2055)
19.A/55/Supp.25. UN. General Assembly. Session (55 ; 2000 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 25:United Nations Environment Programme: Report of the Governing Council: Sixth special session [Текст] : 29-31 May 2000. - 2000. - 20 p. - (ISSN 0252-2055)
20.A/55/Supp.5F. UN. General Assembly. Session (55 ; 2000 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 5F:Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme: Financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 1999 and Report of the Board of Auditors [Текст]. - 2000. - vi, 99 p. - (ISSN 0257-0998)
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