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 Знайдено в інших БД:Юристам - Наукова електронна бібліотека (26)Юристам - Реферативна інформація (200)Юристам - Автореферати дисертацій (7)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 320
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ФПУ № 4093 з дод. (1-4) 2004 International Achievement Summit. A Gathering of Today's World Leaders with the Outstanding Young Leaders of Tomorrow (Chicago, Illinois, 10-13 June 2004) [Текст] / [Summit Host C. B. Reynolds] ; Academy of Achievement. - Washington : The Academy of Achievement, 2004. - 116 p. : phot. + 1 дод. (папка)
2.ФПУ № 4092 з дод. (1-4) 2005 International Achievement Summit. A Gathering of Today's World Leaders with the Outstanding Young Leaders of Tomorrow (New York, New York, 1-4 June 2005) [Текст] / [Summit Host C. B. Reynolds] ; Academy of Achievement. - Washington : The Academy of Achievement, 2005. - 122 p. : phot. + 1 дод. (папка)
3.ФПУ № 4094 з дод. (1-3) 2006 International Achievement Summit. A Gathering of Today's World Leaders with the Outstanding Young Leaders of Tomorrow (Los Angeles, California 1-4 June 2006) [Текст] / [Summit Host C. B. Reynolds] ; Academy of Achievement. - Washington : The Academy of Achievement, 2006. - 134 p. : phot. + 1 дод. (папка)
4.ІВ218058 Harutyunian G. Constitutional culture: the lessons of history and the challenges of time [Текст] / Gagik Harutyunian. - Yerevan : [s. n.], 2009. - 278 p.
5.ІВ215125 Mishyna N. V. Constitutional status of NGOs [Текст] : methodological manual on the course of lectures in Engl. for law students a. post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa academy of law" / N. V. Mishyna ; Nat. univ. "Odesa academy of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 223 p. : fig., tab.
6.ІВ210145 Dangerous profession [Текст] : monitoring of violations of journalists' rights in the CIS 2000 / ed. W. Irving ; Center for journalism in extreme situations, Russian Union of journalists. - Moscow : Human Rights Publ., 2001. - 267 p.
7.ІВ218088 Orozco-HenrÍques J. Electoral justice [Текст] : the intern. IDEA handbook / Jesús Orozco-HenrÍques ed.: Ayman Ayoub, Andrew Ellis ; contrib.: Adhy Aman [etc.]. - Stockholm : International Institute for democracy and electoral assistance, 2010. - 234 p.
8.ІВ215646 Lysenko V. I. Electoral legislation and elections in modern world [Текст] / V. I. Lysenko, A. G. Golovin ; ed. by V. E. Churov ; Central election commiss. of the Russian Federation. - Moscow : [s. n.], 2010. - 496 p.
9.ІР6070 Tribe L. H. Five reigning myths about constitutionalism and Judical review [Текст] / L. H. Tribe. - Jerusalem : [б.в.], 1994. - 16 p. - (Publications / The Israel academy of sciences and humanities)
10.ІВ223989 Global constitutionalism and multi-layered protection of human rights [Текст] : exploring the possibility of establishing a regional human rights mechanism in Asia / ed. by SNU Asia-pacific law inst. - Seoul : Constitutional court of Korea, 2016. - 668 p.
11.ІВ227341 Guidelines on freedom of peaceful assembly [Текст] / [prep. by the OSCE/ODIHR panel of experts on the freedom of assembly and by the Council of Europe's Europ. commiss. for democracy through law (Venice commiss.)]. - Warsaw : The OSCE Office for democratic institutions a. human rights (ODIHR), 2010. - 160 p.
12.ІВ227344 Handbook on monitoring freedom of peaceful assembly [Текст]. - Warsaw : The OSCE Office for democratic institutions a. human rights (ODIHR), [20--?]. - 82 p.
13.ІВ194334 Pactet P. Institutions politique. Droit constitutionnel [Текст] / P. Pactet. - Paris : Masson, 1995. - 572 p. - (Sér. "Droit", ISSN 0335-8690)
14.В277275/1 Congrès de la conférence des cours constitutionnelles européennes (15; 2011; Bucureşti) La justice constitutionnelle: fonctions et relations avec les autres autorités publiques. Vol. 1 [Текст]. - 2011. - 410 p.
15.В277275/2 Congrès de la conférence des cours constitutionnelles européennes (15; 2011; Bucureşti) La justice constitutionnelle: fonctions et relations avec les autres autorités publiques. Vol. 2 [Текст]. - 2011. - 407 p.
16.ІВ229413 Martínez J. A. Los procesos penales de la postguerra (Documentos para La Historia Contemporánea) [Текст] / José Agustín Martínez, Presidente del Instituto Nacional de Criminologia de Cuba. - Madrid : Epesa, 1955. - 433 p. : il.
17.UN/979.5 Parliamentary oversight of the security sector: Principles, mechanisms and practices [Текст] / ed. H. Born, P. Fluri, A. B. Johnsson ; Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Inter-Parlamentary Union. - Geneva : IPU ; Geneva : CCMR-DCAF, 2004. - 195 p. - (Handbook for Parlamentarians ; 5)
18.ІВ214729 Playing the "Communal card" [Текст] : сommunal violence and human rights. - New York[etc.] : Human rights watch, 1995. - 153 p.
19.В277553/2 Procesy migracyjne we współczesnym świecie: wyzwania dla społeczności międzynarodowej. T. 2 [Текст] / red. Roman Kordonski, Oleksandra Kordonska, Łukasz Muszyński. - 2016. - 196 s. : tab., il., fot.
20.ІВ223336 Procesy migracyjne we współczesnym świecie: wyzwania dla społeczności międzynarodowej [Текст] / red. Roman Kordonski, Oleksandra Kordonska. - Lwów ; Olsztyn : [s. n.], 2016. - 240 s. : rys., tab., m.
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