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 Знайдено в інших БД:Юристам - Реферативна інформація (4)Юристам - Автореферати дисертацій (1)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 123
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.UN/986(1998) UNHCR. 1998 Global Appeal: Programme Overview [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1998. - 204 p.
2.UN/987(1998) UNHCR. 1998 Global Report: Achievements and Impacts [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1999. - 524 p.
3.UN/986(2001)/Add. UNHCR. 2001 Global Appeal [Текст] : Addendum: Supplementary Programmes and Security-Related Requirements. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2000. - 16 p.
4.UN/974 Anderson M. B. A Framework for People-Oriented Planning in Refugee Situations Taking Account of Women, Men and Children [Текст] : Practical Planning Tool for Refugee Workers / M. B. Anderson [etc.] ; UNHCR. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1992. - 13 p.
5.UN/974.2 Anderson M. B. A UNHCR Handbook People-Oriented Planning At Work Using POP to Improve UNHCR Programming [Текст] : Practical Planning Tool for Refugee Workers / M. B. Anderson ; UNHCR. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1994. - 45 p.
6.UN/983 Community Services for Urban Refugees [Текст] / UNHCR. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1994. - 139 p.
7.UN/925 Compilation of Relevant Texts on the EU Acquis on Asylum and Related Positions taken by UNHCR [Текст] / EU, UNHCR. - Vienna : [б.в.], S. a... - 282 p.
8.UN/976 Contingency Planning [Текст] : Practical Guide for Field Staff / UNHCR. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1996. - 87 p.
9.UN/975 Determination of Refugee Status [Текст] : RLD 2 - Training Module / UNHCR. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1989. - 72 p.
10.A/53/Supp.5E F ONU. Assemblee generale. Session (53 ; 1998 ; New York) Documents officiels. Suppl. 5E:Etats financiers verifies de l'annee terminee le 31 decembre 1997 et Rapport du Comite des commissaires aux comptes [Текст] / Contributions volontaires gerees par le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les refugies. - 1998. - vii, 87 p. - (ISSN 0252-1415)
11.A/53/Supp.12 F ONU. Assemblee generale. Session (53 ; 1998 ; New York) Documents officiels. Suppl. 12:Rapport du Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les refugies [Текст]. - 1998. - iv, 52 p. - (ISSN 0251-8058)
12.UN/986(2000) UNHCR. Global Appeal, 2000: Strategies and Programmes [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1999. - 256 p.
13.UN/986(2002) UNHCR. Global Appeal, 2002: Strategies and Programmes [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2001. - 239 p.: maps, ill.
14.UN/986(2003) UNHCR. Global Appeal, 2003: Strategies and Programmes [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2003. - 293 p.: maps, ill.
15.UN/987(2000) UNHCR. Global Report, 2000: Achievements and Impacts [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2001. - 456 p.
16.UN/987(2001) UNHCR. Global Report, 2001: Strategies and Activities [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2002. - 452 p.: ill., tables, maps
17.UN/1040(2001) UNHCR. Mid-year progress report 2001 [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2001. - 250 p.: tables
18.UN/1040(2002) UNHCR. Mid-year progress report 2002 [Текст]. - Geneva : UNHCR, 2002. - 235 p.: tables
19.A/54/Supp.12A. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official records: 54th session. Suppl. 12A:Report of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: 50th session [Текст] : 4-8 October 1999 / UNHCR. - 1999. - iii, 19 p. - (ISSN 0251-8023)
20.A/57/Supp.5D. UN. General Assembly. Session (57 ; 2002 ; New York) Official Records: 57th session. Suppl. 5D:United Nations Institute for Training and Research: Financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2001 and Report of the Board of Auditors [Текст]. - 2002. - vi, 31 p. - (ISSN 0251-9143)
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