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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 109
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1.DP/1991/50/Add.1 Koetz A. G. A Strategy-Based Senior Management Structure for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) [Текст] : Extended Management Summary / A. G. Koetz, M. F. Otte. - New York : UN, 1991. - 19 p.
2.DP/1991/50 Koetz A. G. A Strategy-Based Senior Management Structure for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) [Текст] : Final Report / A. G. Koetz, M. F. Otte. - New York : UN, 1991. - 141 p.
3.ІС13088 Annual progress report 2005 [Текст] / United nations development programme, Municipal governance and sustainable development programme (MGSDP). - Kyiv : [б.в.], 2005. - 52 p.: phot., tab.
4.UN/1145 Assessment of development results: evaluation of UNDP's contribution: Lao PDR [Текст] / UNDP. Evaluation Office. - New York : UNDP, 2007. - xvi, 79 p. : tables.- URL: http://www.undp.org/evaluation/documents/ADR/ADR_Results/ADR_Laos.pdf
5.UN/445.265 Building Bridges Between Relief and Development [Текст] : compendium of the UNDP record in crisis countries / UNDP, Emergency Response Division. - New York : UNDP, S. a... - 28 p.
6.DP/SER.A/29 UNDP. Compendium of ongoing interventions [Текст] : of 31 December 1998 / Division of Information Management and Analysis, Bureau for Planning and Resource Management. - New York : UNDP, 1999. - 269 p.
7.UN/445.227 Division for the Private Sector in Development stimulates and strengthens the social and economic dimensions of human development [Текст] / UNDP. - New York : UN, S. a... - 10 p.
8.E/2000/Supp.15 F ONU. Conseil économique et social Documents officiels, 2000. Suppl. 15:Conseil d'administration du Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement et du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population: Rapport du Conseil d'administration sur ses travaux en 2000 [Текст]. - 2000. - vi, 387 p. - (ISSN 0257-151X)
9.UN/819 Empowering People [Текст] : Guide to Participation / UNDP, International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC). - New York : UNDP, S. a... - 75 p.
10.UN/721.51 Equitable Access to Opportunities: Strategic Framework [Текст] / UNDP Ukraine. - Kyiv : UNDP Programme Resource Centre, 2003. - 12 p.
11.UN/1215 Evaluation of the regional programme for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States 2006-2010: regional cooperation [Текст] / UNDP. Evaluation Office. - New York : UNDP, 2010. - xviii, 78 p. : tables
12.UN/1223 Evaluation of UNDP contribution south-south cooperation: south-south partnerships [Текст] / UNDP. Evaluation Office. - New York : UNDP, 2007. - xiv, 55 p.
13.UN/445.276 Fighting Corruption in Post-Comminust States - Lessons from Practice [Текст] : UNDP/RBEC Policy Briefs / UNDP, Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS (RBEC). - Bratislava : RBEC Regional Support Centre, S. a... - 33 p.
14.UN/796 From Rio to Rabat: Capacity 21 at Mid-term: 1997 Annual Report [Текст] / UNDP. - New York : UNDP, 1997. - 60 p.: ill.
15.UN/817 Governance for Sustainable Growth and Equity [Текст] : Report of International Conference, United Nations , New York, 28-30 July 1997: Conference paper 1 / UNDP. - New York : UNDP, 1998. - 235 p.
16.UN/1225 Handbook on planning, monitoring and evaluations for development results [Текст] / UNDP. - New York : UN, 2009.
17.UN/811 UNDP. Highlights of Financial Results, 1997 [Текст]. - [New York] : UNDP, 1997. - 26 p.: ill.
18.UN/873 Human Development and Human Rights [Текст] : Report on the Oslo Symposium, 2-3 October 1998 / ed. H. Björkman ; UNDP, UN, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Norway). - S. l. : [б.в.], S. a... - iv, 282 p.
19.UN/495(2006) Human Development Report, 2006: Beyond scarcity: Power, povert and the global water crisis [Текст] / UNDP. - New York : UNDP, 2006. - xvi, 422 p.: tables
20.UN/794.2 Human Settlements Under Transition: The Case of Eastern Europe & The CIS [Текст] / UNDP, Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS. - New York : UNDP, [1996]. - 104 p.: ill.
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