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 Знайдено в інших БД:Юристам - Наукова електронна бібліотека (11)Юристам - Реферативна інформація (167)Юристам - Автореферати дисертацій (11)
Пошуковий запит: ((<.>U=Х$<.>)+(<.>RZN=Х$<.>))*((<.>U=Х$<.>)+(<.>RZN=Х$<.>))*((<.>U=Х$<.>)+(<.>RZN=Х$<.>))*(<.>U=Х916.881.4$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 232
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ215632 Asseri A. S. A. Combating terrorism [Текст] : Saudi Arabia's role in the war on terror / Ali S. Awadh Asseri. - [Karachi] : Oxford University Press, 2009. - 196 p.
2.ІВ204044 Business and security: Public-private sector relationships in a new security environment [Текст] / ed. A. J. Bailes, I. Frommelt. - Oxford : SIPRI : Oxford UP, 2004. - XVI, 328 p.
3.ІР6777 Collacott M. Terrorism, refugees and homeland security [Текст] / M. Collacott. - Kingston, Ontario : The Kashtan Press, 2002. - 15 p.: ill. - (Distinguished speakers ser. in political geography ; 6)
4.ІВ224935 Crimes by Armenian terrorist and bandit groupings against humanity (XIX-XXI centuries) [Текст] : briff chronological encyclopedia / Inst. of human rights Nat. acad. of sciences of Azerbaijan ; [auth. of idea Rovshan Mustafayev ; comp. by Ayten Mustafaeva et al.]. - Baku : Oğuz eli, 2013. - 309, [1] p.
5.UN/922 International Instruments related to the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism [Текст]. - New York : UN, 2001. - viii, 266 p.
6.UN/922(3) International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism [Текст]. - New York : UN, 2008. - xii, 440 p.
7.ІВ209090 Iovane G. Metodi matematici e tecnologie innovative per la prevenzione ed il contrasto al terrorismo [Текст] / G. Iovane ; ed. V. Melnyk, V. Mizernyy ; Università degli studi di Salerno, Centro militare di studi strategici. - Salerno : [б.в.], 2007. - 329 p.: ill.
8.ІВ211284 Mammadova H. Khodjaly: martyrs and witnesses [Текст] : Armenian terrorism as an integral part of the international one / H. Mammadova ; transl. J. A. Aliyev. - Baku : House of Tales, 2005. - 248 p.: phot.
9.ІВ213672 McCarthy A. C. Willful blindness [Текст] : a memoir of the Jihad / Andrew C. McCarthy. - New York ; London : Encounter Books, [2008]. - 352 p.
10.ІВ211286 Mustafayev C. F. Terrorism: definition, causes, awareness and prognostication [Текст] / C. F. Mustafayev ; Institute of human rights of the National Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan. - Baku : Cinar-Cap, 2005. - 173 p.
11.ST/LEG/SER.B/23 National laws and regulations on the prevention and suppression of international terrorism. P. II (A-L) [Текст]. - New York : UN, 2005. - viii, 337 p. - (United Nations legislative series)
12.A/55/Supp.37 Official Records. Supp. 37:Report of the Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996 [Текст] : Fourth session (14-18 February 2000). - 2000-. - 4 p.
13.A/58/Supp.37 Official Records. Supp. 37:Report of the Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996 [Текст] : Seventh session (31 March - 2 April 2003). - 2003. - iii, 12 p.
14.A/57/Supp.37 Official Records. Supp. 37:Report of the Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996 [Текст] : Sixth session (28 January - 1 February 2002). - 2002. - iii, 23 p.
15.A/53/Supp.37 F ONU. Assemblee generale. Session (53 ; 1998 ; New York) Documents officiels. Suppl. 37:Rapport du Comite special cree par la resolution 51/210 de l'Assemblee generale en date du 17 decembre 1996 [Текст]. - 1998. - iii, 32 p.
16.ІВ208634 Saul B. Defining terrorism in international law [Текст] / B. Saul. - Oxford[etc.] : Oxford UP, 2006. - XXXIII, 373 p. - (Oxford monographs in international law)
17.ВС51940 Smolenov H. Self-reproductive terror [Текст] / Hristo Smolenov. - Sofia : Argo publishing, 2004. - 287 p.
18.ІВ217137 Stelmaszuk W. Terroryzm w XXI wieku [Текст] / Wiesław Stelmaszuk ; The Inst. of problems of radicalism. - Kiev : The Inst. of problems of radicalism : Foundation Interglob, 2012. - 202 s. - (Terrorism ; 2)
19.ІВ207537 Stelmaszuk W. Zagrożenia terrorystyczne w XXI wieku [Текст] / W. Stelmaszuk, A. Stanisławska ; oprac. red. S. Barchanowicz ; Fundacja Interglob. - Białystok : Wydawnictwo naukowe Interglob, 2004. - 96 s. - (Terrorism ; 2)
20.ІР7111 Stepanova E. Anti-terrorism and peace-building during and after conflict [Текст] / E. Stepanova ; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. - Stockholm : SIPRI, 2003. - 50 p.
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