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Perry, M. J.
We the People [Electronic resource] : the Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court / M. J. Perry. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - 275 p.
Переклад назви: Ми, народ: Чотирнадцята поправка і Верховний суд


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Several of the most divisive moral conflicts that have beset Americans in the period since World War II have been transmuted into constitutional conflicts and resolved as such. In his new book, eminent legal scholar Michael Perry evaluates the grave charge that the modern Supreme Court has engineered a "judicial usurpation of politics." In particular, Perry inquires which of several major Fourteenth Amendment conflicts--over race segregation, race-based affirmative action, sex-based discrimination, homosexuality, abortion, and physician-assisted suicide--have been resolved as they should have been. He lays the necessary groundwork for his inquiry by addressing questions of both constitutional theory and constitutional history. A clear-eyed examination of some of the perennial controversies in American life, We the People is a major contribution to modern constitutional studies.

право -- конституція


Curtis, L. Perry.
Jack the Ripper and the London Press [Electronic resource] / L. Perry Curtis. - London : Yale University Press : New Haven and London, 2001. - 363 p.
Переклад назви: Джек Різник і лондонська преса


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Annotation. Press coverage of the 1888 mutilation murders attributed to Jack the Ripper was of necessity filled with gaps and silences, for the killer remained unknown and Victorian journalists had little experience reporting serial murders and sex crimes. This engrossing book examines how fourteen London newspapers-dailies and weeklies, highbrow and lowbrow-presented the Ripper news, in the process revealing much about the social, political, and sexual anxieties of late Victorian Britain and the role of journalists in reinforcing social norms. L. Perry Curtis surveys the mass newspaper culture of the era, delving into the nature of sensationalism and the conventions of domestic murder news. Analyzing the fourteen newspapers-two of which emanated from the East End, where the murders took place-he shows how journalists played on the fears of readers about law and order by dwelling on lethal violence rather than sex, offering gruesome details about knife injuries but often withholding some of the more intimate details of the pelvic mutilations. He also considers how the Ripper news affected public perceptions of social conditions in Whitechapel.

серійні вбивства -- злочинність -- медіа

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