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Zinn, Howard.
Declarations Of Independence [Electronic resource] : cross-Examining American Ideology / Howard Zinn. - New York : HarperCollins, 1990. - 341 p
Переклад назви: Декларації незалежності : перехресний допит американської ідеології


Географічні рубрики:

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The acclaimed author of "A People's History of the United States" (more than 200,000 copies sold) presents an honest and piercing look at American political ideology."A shotgun blast of revisionism that aims to shatter all the comfortable myths of American political discourse." "--Los Angeles Times"

ідеологія -- Америка


Tomlins, C. L.
Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic [Electronic resource] / C. L. Tomlins. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - 406 p.
Переклад назви: Закон, праця та ідеологія в ранній Американській республіці


Географічні рубрики:

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Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic is a fundamental reinterpretation of law and politics in America between 1790 and 1850, the crucial period of the Republic's early growth and its movement toward industrialism. The book is the most detailed study yet available of the intellectual and institutional processes that created the foundation categories framing all the basic legal relationships involving working people at work. But it also brings out the political and social significance of those categories, and of law's role in their creation. Tomlins argues that it is impossible to understand outcomes in the interaction between law and labor during the early Republic unless one also understands the preeminence that legal discourse was assuming at the time in American society as a whole, and the particular social and political reasons for that preeminence. Because of the breadth and novelty of its interpretation this is a book not just for those interested in the history of law or the history of labor, but for anyone interested in the broad stream of American political and social history.

законодавство -- історія


McGirr, Lisa.
Suburban Warriors [Electronic resource] : the Origins of the New American Right / L. McGirr. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001. - 412 p.
Переклад назви: Боївки з передмість: витоки новітньої американської правиці


Географічні рубрики:

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In the early 1960s, American conservatives seemed to have fallen on hard times. McCarthyism was on the run, and movements on the political left were grabbing headlines. The media lampooned John Birchers's accusations that Dwight Eisenhower was a communist puppet. Mainstream America snickered at warnings by California Congressman James B. Utt that "barefooted Africans" were training in Georgia to help the United Nations take over the country. Yet, in Utt's home district of Orange County, thousands of middle-class suburbanites proceeded to organize a powerful conservative movement that would land Ronald Reagan in the White House and redefine the spectrum of acceptable politics into the next century. Suburban Warriors introduces us to these people: women hosting coffee klatches for Barry Goldwater in their tract houses; members of anticommunist reading groups organizing against sex education; pro-life Democrats gradually drawn into conservative circles; and new arrivals finding work in defense companies and a sense of community in Orange County's mushrooming evangelical churches. We learn what motivated them and how they interpreted their political activity. Lisa McGirr shows that their movement was not one of marginal people suffering from status anxiety, but rather one formed by successful entrepreneurial types with modern lifestyles and bright futures. She describes how these suburban pioneers created new political and social philosophies anchored in a fusion of Christian fundamentalism, xenophobic nationalism, and western libertarianism. While introducing these rank-and-file activists, McGirr chronicles Orange County's rise from "nut country" to political vanguard. Through this history, she traces the evolution of the New Right from a virulent anticommunist, anti-establishment fringe to a broad national movement nourished by evangelical Protestantism. Her original contribution to the social history of politics broadens--and often upsets--our understanding of the deep and tenacious roots of popular conservatism in America.

консервативна ідеологія -- республіканці -- сегрегація -- WASP


The law in nazi Germany [Electronic resource] : ideology, opportunism, and the perversion of justice / ред. Alan E. Steinweis . - New York : Berghahn books, 2013. - 258 p
Переклад назви: Закон у нацистській Німеччині: ідеологія, опортунізм і збочення правосуддя.


Географічні рубрики:

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"Overall, this volume is very useful in that it makes the studies on justice under the Nazi regime and its memory accessible. It should therefore be of interest to readers well beyond the circle of specialists." · Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire "These essays offer a significant contribution to our understanding of the role of one of the most important professions in underpinning the National Socialist regime and enabling its leaders to proceed with its murderous agenda." · Geoffrey J Giles, University of Florida While we often tend to think of the Third Reich as a zone of lawlessness, the Nazi dictatorship and its policies of persecution rested on a legal foundation set in place and maintained by judges, lawyers, and civil servants trained in the law. This volume offers a concise and compelling account of how these intelligent and welleducated legal professionals lent their skills and knowledge to a system of oppression and domination. The chapters address why German lawyers and jurists were attracted to Nazism; how their support of the regime resulted from a combination of ideological conviction, careerist opportunism, and legalistic selfdelusion; and whether they were held accountable for their Nazi-era actions after 1945. This book also examines the experiences of Jewish lawyers who fell victim to anti-Semitic measures. The volume will appeal to scholars, students, and other readers with an interest in Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and the history of jurisprudence. Alan E. Steinweis is the Miller Distinguished Professor of Holocaust Studies and Director of the Carolyn and Leonard Miller Center for Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont. In 2011 he held the visiting professorship in Interdisciplinary Holocaust Studies and German-Jewish History at the Fritz Bauer Institute at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. Robert D. Rachlin is Senior Director and General Counsel of Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC, in Burlington, Vermont. He is also a visiting professor at the Vermont Law School and adjunct faculty in the Carolyn and Leonard Miller Center for Holocaust Studies and the Department of German and Russian, University of Vermont. He has published on the Finnish response to the Holocaust, Nazi-era law in Germany, early Vermont history, and American law.

юриспруденція -- нацистська ідеологія -- Третій Райх


Гончарук, Г. І.
Атакований за покликання [Електронний ресурс] : про діяльність одеського міського голови Руслана Боделана з серпня 2001 по червень 2003 року / Г. І. Гончарук. - О. : Астропринт, 2003. - 228 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Книга присвячена діяльності одеського міського голови Руслана Боделана за останні півтора року. Аналізуються його ідеологія, політика, показані господарські здобутки. Чимало уваги приділяється атакам опозиції на діючого мера, яка вже не обмежується критикою, часто безпредметною, у засобах масової інофрмації, а використовує потужнійший жанр - книги.

сучасна історія -- політика

Тип видання: монографія   

Недюха, М. П.
Правова ідеологія українського суспільства [Електронний ресурс] : монографія / М. П. Недюха. - К. : МП Леся, 2012. - 400 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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У монографії обґрунтовується сутність правової ідеології як політико-правового феномену, з’ясовуються її теоретико-методологічні засади, основні різновидності, самоорганізаційний потенціал, змістовні та функціональні зв’язки з правосвідомістю, станом законності та правопорядку. Значна увага приділена висвітленню значущості правової ідеології для розроблення концептуальних засад правової політики, законотворчої та законодавчої діяльності, нормативно-правового забезпечення основних сфер життєдіяльності сучасного українського суспільства. Для науковців, викладачів, аспірантів та ад’юнктів вищих закладів освіти юридичного профілю, державних службовців, народних депутатів України, усіх, хто цікавиться проблемами політико-ідеологічного та нормативно-правового забезпечення функціонування українського суспільства.

юриспруденція -- правозастосування -- правова освіта

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