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Loewen, James W..
The Confederate and neo-Confederate reader [Electronic resource] : the great truth about the lost cause / J. W. Loewen. - Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2010. - 438 p.
Переклад назви: Хрестоматія конфедератських і неоконфедератських текстів: велика правда щодо "нездійсненної справи"


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Anyone who knows the history of the Civil War and its aftermath and who talks with members of the public quickly grows frustrated. Most recent high school graduates, many history and social studies teachers, and even some professional historians whose training is in other areas hold basic misconceptions about the era. Questions about why the South seceded, what the Confederacy was about, and the nature and later use of its symbols and ideology often give rise to flatly untrue “answers.” In turn, these errors persist because most Americans do not know and have never read key documents in American history about the Confederacy. The documents included here also make a case for teaching every American the word and the concept “historiography.” Most concisely, historiography means “the study of history,” but not just “studying history.” Historiography asks us to scrutinize how a given piece of history came to be written. Who wrote it? When? With whom were they in debate? What were they trying to prove? Who didn’t write it? What points of view were omitted? Especially on the subjects of slavery, secession, and race—the core of this volume—Confederate and neo-Confederate statements change depending upon where people wrote or spoke, and when and why. Why did Confederates say they seceded for slavery in 1861 but not in 1891? Why did neo-Confederates claim in 1999, but not in 1869, that thousands of African Americans served in the Confederate armed forces? Teachers can use questions like these to get students to understand and do historiography on the documents in this collection.

громадянська війна у США -- рабовласництво -- сегрегація -- аболіціонізм


McGirr, Lisa.
Suburban Warriors [Electronic resource] : the Origins of the New American Right / L. McGirr. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001. - 412 p.
Переклад назви: Боївки з передмість: витоки новітньої американської правиці


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

In the early 1960s, American conservatives seemed to have fallen on hard times. McCarthyism was on the run, and movements on the political left were grabbing headlines. The media lampooned John Birchers's accusations that Dwight Eisenhower was a communist puppet. Mainstream America snickered at warnings by California Congressman James B. Utt that "barefooted Africans" were training in Georgia to help the United Nations take over the country. Yet, in Utt's home district of Orange County, thousands of middle-class suburbanites proceeded to organize a powerful conservative movement that would land Ronald Reagan in the White House and redefine the spectrum of acceptable politics into the next century. Suburban Warriors introduces us to these people: women hosting coffee klatches for Barry Goldwater in their tract houses; members of anticommunist reading groups organizing against sex education; pro-life Democrats gradually drawn into conservative circles; and new arrivals finding work in defense companies and a sense of community in Orange County's mushrooming evangelical churches. We learn what motivated them and how they interpreted their political activity. Lisa McGirr shows that their movement was not one of marginal people suffering from status anxiety, but rather one formed by successful entrepreneurial types with modern lifestyles and bright futures. She describes how these suburban pioneers created new political and social philosophies anchored in a fusion of Christian fundamentalism, xenophobic nationalism, and western libertarianism. While introducing these rank-and-file activists, McGirr chronicles Orange County's rise from "nut country" to political vanguard. Through this history, she traces the evolution of the New Right from a virulent anticommunist, anti-establishment fringe to a broad national movement nourished by evangelical Protestantism. Her original contribution to the social history of politics broadens--and often upsets--our understanding of the deep and tenacious roots of popular conservatism in America.

консервативна ідеологія -- республіканці -- сегрегація -- WASP

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