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Perkins, L. E.
Multiple sclerosis: your legal rights [Electronic resource] / L. E. Perkins, L. E. Perkins. - 3th. ed. - Ney York : demosHEALTH, 2008. - 153 p.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This extensively revised third edition continues to provide reliable basic information and possible solutions to the legal problems that often affect people with multiple sclerosis (MS). In the past seven years, since the publication of the last edition, significant legislative changes have taken place that affect the lives of anyone living with MS. Trying to decipher new laws can be overwhelming, even for the most educated individual. Multiple Sclerosis: Your Legal Rights, 3rd Edition enables readers to plan for the future and face tough decisions, such as: Can I return to work without compromising my Social Security disability benefits in the long term? How does the expansion of Medicare Part D affect me? Is there any legal recourse for managing my debts? These and other topics are thoroughly discussed in this updated edition.

розсіяний склероз -- пацієнт -- правовий статус

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