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Research Methods in Law [Electronic resource] / ed. Dawn Watkins, Mandy Burton. - New York : Routledge, 2013. - 168 p
Переклад назви: Методи дослідження в галузі права


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The aim of this book is to explain in clear terms some of the main methodological approaches in legal research. This is an edited collection, with each chapter written by specialists in their field, researching in a variety of jurisdictions. Each contributor addresses the topic of "lay decision makers in the legal system" from one particular methodological perspective, explaining how they would approach the issue and discussing why their particular method might, or might not, be suited to this topic. In asking all contributors to focus on the same topic, the editors have sought to provide a common link throughout the text, thereby providing the reader with an opportunity to draw comparisons between methods with relative ease. In light of the broad geographical range of its contributors, the book is aimed at an international readership. This book will be of particular interest to PhD students in law, but it will also be of use to undergraduate dissertation students in law, LL.M Research students as well as prospective PhD students and early year researchers.

правознавство -- методологія юриспруденції

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