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Emanuel, L.
Latin for lawyers [Electronic resource] : the language of the Law / L. Emanuel. - 1th. ed. - New York : Emanuel Publishing Corporation, 1999. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Латинська мова для юристів: мова закону


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

If you're just starting law school, you'll soon find out that lawyers like to use old latin phrases. If you don't have a guide To The confusing terminology, you'll quickly get lost in terms like 'replevin,' 'seisin,' 'habeus corpus,' and similar phrases. Even if you've been practicing law for many years, this book is a must-have reference tool. You'll be able to quickly understand what opposing counsel is trying to say in their briefs and motions. You'll be able to make better sense of the old cases you read. Latin for Lawyers will prove to be the reference tool that will help you through law school and throughout your professional career. the author, Lazar Emanuel, has had a distinguished career in law. A graduate of Harvard Law School, his resume includes founding partner of Cowan, Liebowitz & Emanuel (now Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman), president of Communication Industries, a multi-station radio and television company, and executive vice-president and general counsel of Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc. Oh, by the way, he's Steve Emanuel's father, too, which should speak volumes.

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