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Тип видання: наукове видання   

Anti-terrorist measures and human rights [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Benedek, A. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004. - 404 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористичні заходи та людські права

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The tragic events of 11 September 2001 have led to an intensification of measures against terrorism both at the level of states and international organisations. New laws and resolutions have been passed in order to strengthen national and international action against terrorism. Some of these measures violate human rights and have been introduced without respect for obligatory procedures under international human rights conventions for derogations in cases of emergency. This development has given rise to much concern worldwide. In order to analyse the many (human rights) questions posed by the intensified struggle against terrorism, a symposium was organised, on the initiative of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) of Athens, by the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC) in Graz and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna together with the MFHR. This volume brings together most of the contributions to this high-level and in-depth discussion in edited, updated form. Among the issues analysed are the dangers entailed in the new doctrine of pre-emptive wars, the issue of the prevention of terrorism through measures addressing its causes and the strengthening of human security. The volume also contains an annex with major documents relating to the question of human rights and terrorism at universal and regional levels prepared by international organisations and NGO's, which represents a useful handbook on the topic. Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR).

тероризм -- контртероризм

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Bensahel, N.
The Counterterror Coalitions [Electronic resource] : cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union / N. Bensahel. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. - 71 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористична коаліція: співпраця з Європою, НАТО і Європейським Союзом


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The long-term success of the counterterror campaign will depend on concerted cooperation from European states, but a key question is the extent to which that cooperation should be pursued through European multilateral institutions. This study argues that the United States should pursue military and intelligence cooperation on a bilateral basis, and it should increasingly pursue financial and law enforcement cooperation on a multilateral basis. The United States should adopt a nuanced strategy in its counterterror relations with Europe.



Seto, Michael C..
Pedophilia and sexual offending against children : theory, assessment, and intervention [Electronic resource] / M. C. Seto. - Wasington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2008. - 312 p.
Переклад назви: Педофілія та сексуальна злочинність щодо дітей: теорія, оцінка, запобігання


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Pedophilia, defined as a persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children, is an emotional and controversial topic. For many people, the mention of pedophilia brings images to mind of sexual predators1 who pursue and violate unknown children, although the reality is quite different. The public's perceptions of sexual offenses against children are influenced by media stories focusing on sensational cases that involve child abductions, killings, or individuals with long histories of sexually offending against many children (see Cheit, 2003; Jenkins, 1998). Parents are understandably worried about the safety and well-being of their children, and many others are concerned that children they know might be exploited or harmed by adults. In this preface, I discuss the social, political, and legal contexts for studying pedophilia to provide readers a framework for understanding the social, political, and legal responses to pedophilia and the associated problem of sexual offending against children.

педофілія -- розбещення неповнолітніх -- сексуальна експлуатація -- суспільна мораль

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Fraud Examiners Manual [Electronic resource] / Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. - Austin : ACFE, 2007. - 2000 p
Переклад назви: Керівництво з розслідування розкрадань

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This 2,000 page guide is divided into four main sections: Section I: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes: Describes hundreds of fraud schemes, as well as information about basic accounting concepts and managers' and auditors' responsibilities to detect fraud. Section II: Law: Focuses on the statutes and common law principles involved in prosecuting fraudsters through both the criminal and civil systems, as well as legal pitfalls you may encounter in conducting an investigation. Section III: Investigation: Provides the basic tools and techniques necessary to gather information and evidence when conducting a fraud examination and identifying perpetrators. The appendix contains a sample fraud examination report, fraud examination checklist and sample engagement and opinion letters. Section IV: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence: Explores why people commit fraud and what can be done to prevent it. Topics covered in this section include crime causation, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud prevention, fraud risk assessment and Code of Professional Ethics.

злочинність -- корупція -- розслідування

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