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Rowan, John R..
Conflicts of rights [Electronic resource] : moral theory and social policy implications / J. R. Rowan. - Boulder : Westview Press, 1999. - 238 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти права: теорія моралі та соціальні наслідки політики


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The language of rights is utilized frequently in debates over contemporary social issues—a fetus’s “right to life” versus a woman’s “right to choose,” for example. Because these debates pertain to what our social policies should be, it is clear that the rights in question are moral rights, and that existing legal rights ought to be changed or maintained accordingly. The problem, however, is that moral rights require moral justification. In Conflicts of Rights, John Rowan takes this next step, and investigates possible moral justifications for rights alleged to exist in four contexts: abortion, affirmative action, welfare, and pornography freedoms. In doing so, he reaches conclusions about the morally appropriate policy for each issue, and also about the effectiveness of rights language in general.

права людини -- суспільна мораль -- цензура

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