
Каталоги бібліотек установ Національної академії наук України

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Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського - результати пошуку

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 Знайдено в інших БД:Інститут археології (1)Інститут ботаніки
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Інститут гідробіології (10)Інститут географії (1)Інститут зоології (22)Інститут історії України (2)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 71
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1.25 years after. The Baltic way and the collapse of totalitarian communism: European memory and political inspiration : transcript a. materials of the intern. conf. on 21-22 Aug. 2014, held in Riga, Latvia / [ed. by Kristīne Beķere] ; Latvian Acad. of Sciences, The Found. "Riga 2014", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. - Riga : Latv. Acad. of Sciences Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, 2015.. - 206, [18] p. : col. phot.
2.A dark mirror: Romanov and Imperial Palace library materials in the holdings of the New York Public Library : A checklist and agenda for research / comp. R. H. Davis. - New York : Normann Ross publishing inc., 1999.. - XI, 310 p.. - (The New York Public Library. Slavic, Baltic, and Eurasian resource ser.)
3.A systems analysis of the Baltic Sea / ed. F. Wulff [a.o.]. - Berlin[etc.] : Springer, 2001.. - 455 p.: fig.. - (Ecological studies, ISSN 0070-8356 ; vol.148)
4.Advances in heat transfer engineering : Proceedings of the fourth Baltic heat transfer conference, August 25-27, 2003 / ed. B. Sundén, J. Vilemas. - New York : Begell House Inc. ; Kaunas : LEI, 2003.. - 858 p.: fig., tab., phot.
5.Agreement concerning specific stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships undertaking regular scheduled international voyages between or to or from designated ports in North West Europe and the Baltic Sea : concluded in Stockholm on 27-28 February 1996. - S. l. : [б.и.], [1997].. - 64 p.
6.Baltic amber and other fossil resins : International interdisciplinary symp.: Reports and posters, abstracts, 2-6 Sept. 1997 / Museum of the Earth- Polish Academy of Sciences, Archeological Museum of Gdansk. Research Society of Polish Archaelogists ; ed. B. Kosmowska-Ceranowicz. - Warsaw : [б.в.], 1997.. - 52 p.
7.Baltic States. Three-in-one holiday. - [Riga?] : [s. n.], [20--].. - 23 p. : ill.
8.Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian summer school on survey statistics (2009;Kyiv). Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian summer school on survey statistics, August 23-27, 2009, Kyiv, Ukraine : [proceedings] / Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian summer school on survey statistics (2009 ; Kyiv) . - Kyiv : "TBiMC", 2009.. - 177 p.: tab., phot.
9.Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Summer School on Survey Statistics(2009; Kyiv).Proceedings of the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian summer school on survey statistics, August 23-27, 2009 Kyiv. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2009.. - 177 p. : fig., tab.
10.Belarusian publishing in the West: a bibliography / comp. V. Kipel, Z. Kipel ; New York Public Library, Belarusian Institute of Arts and Sciences. - New York, New York : Ross Publishing, 2004.. - 150 p.. - (Slavic, Baltic, Eurasian resource ser.)
11.Between plan and market : Social change in the Baltic States and Russia / ed. R. Blom [a.o.]. - Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, 1996.. - IX, 182 p.. - (Societies in transition ; 6)
12.Competition and cooperation of the Baltic regions of Denmark, Germany and Poland / ed. W. Toczyski. - Sopot : Governmental centre for strategic studies, 1998.. - 171 p.: ill.
13.Constitution as a legal base for a system and functions of organs of the state : 4th Baltic-Norwegian conference on constitutional issues, Tallinn, March 1996 / Estonian acad. of sci.. - Tallinn : [б.в.], 1996.. - 152 p.
14.Damage caused by the Soviet Union in the Baltic States : intern. conf. materials, Riga, 17-18 June 2011 : social, economic a. environmental losses/damage caused by the Soviet Union in the Baltic States / [sci. ed. Aija Abene, Juris Prikulis ; transl. Aija Abene] ; [The Occupation of Latvia Research Soc.]. - Riga : Ltd. E-forma, 2017.. - 150 p. : fig., m., tab.
15.Daunaraviciene A. Passive admixture transfer peculiarity at the Lithuanian coast of the Baltic Sea : summary of doctoral diss. Technological sciences, environmental engineering and landscape management (04T) / A. Daunaraviciene ; Vilnius Gediminas technical university. - Vilnius : Technika, 2007.. - 24 p.: fig.
16.Development of democracy : experience in the Baltic States and Taiwan : proc. and materials of the International conf. on 21-22 August 2006 in Riga / Latvian acad. of sciences, Taiwan found. for democracy ; text ed.: Antra Legzdiņa ; ed. by Tālavs Jundzis. - Riga : Latvian acad. of sciences : Taiwan foundation for democracy, 2006.. - 311 p. : phot., tab.
17.Europe: 70 years after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact : a collection of the presentations given at the conference organised by the national parliaments of the Baltic States under the auspices of the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek, with the participation of the Swedish Presidency of the European Union, October 14, 2009, European Parliament, Brussels. - Vilnius : Margi Raštai, 2009.. - 168 p.
18.Everyday life in the Baltic States / Lithuanian institute of philosophy and sociology, Center for Russian and East European studies. Univ. of Goteborg ; ed. M. Taljunaite. - Vilnius : [б.в.], 1997.. - 260 p.: ill.. - (Social studies ; vol. 3)
19.Fortress Russia: political, economic and security development in Russia following the annexation of Crimea and its consequences for the Baltic States / [Roman Dobrokhotov et al.] ; ed.: Andis Kudors. - Rīga : The Center for East Europ. Policy Studies : Univ. of Latvia Press, 2016.. - 195 p. : tab.
20."From Baltic to Black sea: national models of economic systems", international scientific-practical conference(2016; Riga).International scientific conference "From Baltic to Black sea: national models of economic systems" : proc. of the conf. : March 25, 2016 / Intern. assoc. of polit. economy, Baltia countries dep.. - Riga : Baltija publ., 2016.. - VIII, 335 p. : fig.
Центр бібліотечних електронних ресурсів і технологій

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського